From BBC The father-of-two said he expected his family to be granted refugee status, but the UK's pause on claims had left him uncertain and at risk of losing his home and work. From BBC Discover More Related Words alien displaced person emigrant evacuee exile expatriate foreignerWord...
we only have a relatively low number of first-generation immigrant students in our sample (N = 487), and by definition, only a small proportion of them attend classrooms with low-diversity levels. Consequently, the findings related to diversity effects on first-generation immigrants’ social...
The German Homeland Security Ministry, in stubbornly trying to defend its controversial and widely criticised plans to control the speaking and writing engagements, and restrict the access to travel and economic activity of political dissidents (and their definition of political dissidents can mean memb...
International Law and Administrative Insulation: A Comparison of Refugee Status Determination Regimes in the United States, Canada, and Australia International law provides nations with a common definition of a refugee, yet the processes by which countries determine who should be granted refugee stat.....
status; these definitions may differ from culturally variable approaches towards the term 'child'. The word 'child' is used throughout the guidelines on the "Formal Determination of the Best Interests of the Child" [3] in accordance with the definition determined in Article 1 of the Convention...
Displaced people include various groups such as refugees who have been officially recognised as such, asylum seekers who are still waiting for a decision on their refugee status and people with humanitarian visas who do not fall officially under the UN definition of a “refugee”, as for instance...
Europe has received a particularly large influx of asylum seekers: protracted conflicts in North Africa, the Middle East, and recently Syria have resulted in millions of asylum seekers coming to Europe to seek refugee status (we ...
But she has also had to confront the threat of deportation, even though sending her to Cameroon would have placed her in danger and at risk of persecution. In that country it is illegal to be gay. Besides, her home is in the UK and she has refugee statu...
(Definition ofrefugee campfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press) Examplesofrefugee camp refugee camp This brief chronology highlights one critical fact : the number of refugees reaching each newrefugeecampwas smaller than at the preceding camp. From ...
throughout this paper we refer to women from refugee-like backgrounds as “refugee and displaced women”. This term signifies the context of women’s refugee-like backgrounds and experiences. By definition refugee and displaced women have fled their country or region of origin. The refugee experien...