This meeting is part of an international research study looking at the ways in which key individuals and businesses at the local or regional level are involved in managing the processes of change in the economy. Regions such as northern Adelaide are undergoing a substantial shift, with more chang...
This chapter discusses the repatriation, reintegration, and renewed forced displacement experienced by the young population of South Sudan in response to the successive episodes of political violence that continue to ravage their country. It focuses on the role played by displaced young girls and boys ...
For instance, a larger number of people can more rapidly access Kyangwali in Uganda than Kakuma in Kenya, primarily due to the density of the local population (sparser in the case of Kakuma), the existing transport infrastructure and the local geographical conditions. Figure 5b–d further ...
Studies suggest that adolescent Syrian refugee girls in Lebanon are at risk of early marriage and related poor sexual and reproductive health outcomes, yet little is known about this population’s specific sexual and reproductive health needs and care-seeking practices. To help fill this gap, we ...
UGANDAHOSTAGESPALLIATIVE treatmentRESEARCH fundingPSYCHOLOGY of refugeesINTERVIEWINGMENTORINGDESCRIPTIVE statisticsRESEARCH methodologyRURAL populationBackground: Palliative care is seldom integrated in healthcare in fragile, conflict affected and vulnerable settings with significant refugee populations. Aim: This study...
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS, 2021) reports that African-background people form a growing proportion of the Australian population. In the 2021 Census, over 400,000 people were of African origin, representing 1.6 % of the population and 5.1 % of Australia's overseas-born population ...
[32]. The camp was designed to host 70,000 people; today, Kakuma and the adjacent Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement have a population of 196,666 registered refugees and asylum seekers [33]. Over half of the refugee population in the camp are children under age 17, with 36% of children ...
population, highlighting its significance as a centre for migrants in Australia [25]. GWS' rapid growth and urbanisation present unique public health challenges, particularly in SRHR, reflecting the complexities of healthcare access and cultural sensitivity in service provision. Studying SRHR in this ...
Ultrapure water was produced with a Milli-Q water Vol:.(1234567890) SN Applied Sciences (2022) 4:32 | Research Article Fig. 3 Refugee population in Uganda [59] purification system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). 65% HNO3 was ...
In this study, we report on the epidemiology of COVID-19 cases in Uganda's refugee settlement regions of West Nile, Center and South, and evaluate how health service utilization changed during the first year of the pandemic.We calculate descriptive statistics, testing rates, and incidence rates...