The objective of this article is to appraise the different aspects of climate change refugees, such as troublesome issues associated with population estimates, definitions, and the social and legal obstacles of achieving internationally recognized refugee, migrant, stateless, or exile status. Presently, ...
Stateless Refugee Crisis: Syrian Kurds & International Treaties 7 Pages3224 Words Introduction Hanna Arendt conceptualized statelessness soon after the Second World War. In her concept she drew attention to the notion that “statelessness” first necessitates a pre-existing state that does not acknowledg...
noun exile, asylum seeker, émigré, displaced person, runaway, fugitive, escapee, stateless person an application for refugee status Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 refugeenoun One who flees, as from hom...
noun exile, asylum seeker, émigré, displaced person, runaway, fugitive, escapee, stateless person an application for refugee status Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 refugeenoun One who flees, as from hom...
Consequently, Rohingya older adults with lower levels of education and limited access to education in the camp may face unique challenges in coping with their stateless status and the associated hopelessness. The current study found that relying on financial aid alone negatively influenced the mental ...
States of denial: A review of UNHCRs response to the protracted situation of stateless Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh In December 2008, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees launched a Special Initiative onProtracted Refugee Situations, intended to promote durable solutions and improvements inliving ...
It provides protection and assistance not only to refugees, but also to other categories of displaced or needy people. These include asylum seekers, refugees who have returned home but still need help in rebuilding their lives, stateless people and so-called internally displaced people (IDP).2021...
At the same time, the League of Nations perceived the need to legally define various statuses such as "refugee," "stateless," "migrant," and so on, responding to the new situation. Through the twenties and thirties, countries in Europe and elsewhere created a legal armada of decrees and ...
UNHCR recognizes the children of stateless refugees as refugees (“derived status”). Most UNRWA refugees would be refugees under UNHCR rules too. In cases where stateless subsequent-generation Palestinian refugees have been outside UNRWA’s area of operation (for example, Iraq), UNHCR has treated...
2 CulturalKnowledge 1.Whatisrefugee?UndertheUnitedNationsConventionRelating totheStatusofRefugeesfrom1951,arefugeeisapersonwho,owingtoawell-foundedfearofbeingpersecutedbecauseofrace,religion,nationality,membershipofaparticularsocialgroup,orpoliticalopinion,isoutsidethecountryoftheirnationality,andisunabletoorunwilling...