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Contact our office today to help you secure one of the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Application spaces that will come available in 2015 by calling our office for a free consultation. Protected Persons and Convention Refugees In Canada, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) and ...
In this paper, we take a novel approach to study the empirical relationship between public debate in the media and asylum acceptance rates in Europe from 2002–2016. In theory, an asylum seeker should experience the same likel...
You’ll find a World Bank blog summary by one of the study authors here, with a link to the full report. Share this: Print Email Facebook LinkedIn Tumblr Twitter Reddit Loading... Research assistant wanted: The Status of Palestinian Refugees in International Law Posted: January 26, 2016 by...
The way in which international solidarity is conceptualized with respect to Palestinian refugees is different from how it is employed when discussing refug
Our analysis revealed a complex and nuanced interplay between SOC, job demands, and their impact on wellbeing. For several women, being a PRH offered an opportunity to break free from what they perceived as restrictive gender roles and facilitated greater access to resources and a consequent sens...
Syrian Refugee crisis is the result of the ongoing civil war in Syria which started in 2011. As per the available data of 2016, once the civil war began in Syria, more than 6 million Syrians were internally displaced and around 5 million Syrians had cros
The free course is a GROOC, which is a type of massive open online course centred on group learning. Ms Pratten told Times Higher Education that she received a Facebook message asking for help from a logistics officer at the camp after she had discussed how to assist Syrian children with...
It s gratifying for supporters of free speech that the UK Government's Online Safety Bill, which had been described as a charter for censors, has been ripped apart and will have to be redrafted entirely apart from the title. When the House of Commons the Speaker, savages a Bill it must...
Most of the clashes involve Kurdish groups under the banner of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and pro-Turkish elements of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), which are part of the broader coalition that ousted Bashar al-Assad. While a four-day ceasefire in the city of Manbij was announced ...