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网络难民危机 网络释义 1. 难民危机 War Reporting II战争冲突 -bbc-北方网... ... to deteriorate 恶化refugee crisis难民危机sporadic shooting 零星的射击 ... english.enorth.com.cn|基于 1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,难民危机
Free Essay: In the past few weeks and months social media and television have been bombarding us about the war in Syria and the refugee crisis that has...
外部播放此歌曲> Ali Dahesh - Refugee Crisis (Explicit) 专辑:Cyber Storm 歌手:Ali Dahesh 还没有歌词哦
1. 难民危机:refugee crisis 2. 根源:root causes 3. 践踏人权:violation of human rights 4. 寻求庇护者:asylum seekers 5. 尊重其他国家主权、独立和领土完整:respect the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of other states ...
German Refugee Crisis(德国难民危机)GermanRefugeeCrisis TheInternationalOrganizationforMigrationcountedthatthenumberofirregularmigratesandrefugeeswhomainlyfromMiddleEastAsiaandAfricahadcrossed1millionending2015on21December.GermanyhadreceivedthemostoffirsttimeasylumapplicationsamongallEuropeancountries.Merelyinthethirdquarterof...
条件状语从句的主语为The refugee crisis,原句为if the refugee crisis is not handled properly,省略从句中的主语以及be动词,选A。 [名师点睛]状语从句的省略是高考考查的一个重点。这类题目首先要找出主句和从句,看看从句的主语 是否与主句一致,再看看从句中有没有be动词,只有同时满足这两个条件才能够省略从句中...
“refugee crisis”visualitydecolonialitygraphic narrativesstorytellingThis article explores the benign and malignant power of the visual in the racialised framing of the ongoing "European refugee crisis". Bringing together literatures on racial discourses, visuality, storytelling and decoloniality for the ...