Crucially, I argue, certain forms of memory were employed in such protests to construct alternative models of democracy, with particular modes of belonging and sovereignty that were deemed more inclusive of refugees. I examine three distinct cases of political memories being used for refugee advocacy...
High-income countries like Australia play a vital role in resettling refugees from around the world, half of whom are children and adolescents. Informed by an ecological framework, this study examined the post-migration adjustment of refugee children and
摘要: This paper explores Australia's history and background of migration and refugee policies and examines the possibilities of applying the Australian solutions in关键词: Australia Immigration to Australia European Union EU-Australia relations Australian foreign policy Australian history ...
incorporating social justice into the curricula - immigration law cases, particularly those involving asylum seekers, provide students with an opportunity to gain legal research skills in areas of international law, human rights law, statutory interpretation, evidence gathering and drafting of submissions....
Between March 2013 and December 31 last year, police received 138 referrals for suspected forced marriage cases. A person has to be at least 18 to wed in Australia.
In Refugee Tales III we read the stories of people who have been through this process, many of whom have yet to see their cases resolved and who live in fear that at any moment they might be detained again. Poets, novelists and writers have once again collaborated with people who have ...
Migration and Refugee Law in Australia: Cases and Commentary: Limits on protection of refugees: Cessation, exclusion exceptions and protection by another country The importance of international refugee law in this context is determined both by the number of trafficked persons seeking international protecti...
Andrew Beer, University of South Australia Business School This meeting is part of an international research study looking at the ways in which key individuals and businesses at the local or regional level are involved in managing the processes of change in the economy. Regions such as northern ...
Primary health care [PHC] services with general practitioners (GPs) as the first point of access to health care services for people from refugee backgrounds in Australia can play a crucial role in building health literacy and promoting access to cultural
Unfamiliarity with preventive care and low perceived need for it was apparent in seven studies of Somali, Iraqi, Bhutanese and North Korean women conducted in the US [56,57,59,61], Australia [62], Canada [70] and South Korea [58]. The belief that only symptomatic women need to undergo...