Defining and Implementing Novel Evidence-based psychosocial interventions (RE-DEFINE) study, designed to evaluate a Self Help+ intervention with Arabic-speaking refugees and asylum seekers currently living in the UK and experiencing stress, was adapted to accommodate social distancing rules and working fr...
Places of exclusion and inclusion: Asylum-Seeker and refugee experiences of neighbourhoods in the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34 (3), 491-510.Spicer, N. (2009). "Places of Exclusion and Inclusion: Asylum-Seeker and Refugee Experiences of Neighbourhoods in the UK." Journal ...
UK asylum law and policy : historical and contemporary perspectives This volume provides a historical and contemporary perspective of UK asylum law and policy, with a particular focus on the evolving legal definition of an asylum seeker. It reveals how history, national determinants, international law...
Refugee chefs, asylum seeker chefs, refugee catering, refugee events, refugee businesses, asylum-seeker businesses, social enterprise, social impact, refugees
《预订 Creating Spaces of Wellbeing and Belonging for Refugee and Asylum-Seeker Students: Skills and Str》,作者:预订 Creating Spaces of Wellbeing and Belonging for Refugee and Asylum-Seeker Students: Skills and StrScott Imig 著,出版社:Routledge,ISBN
Refugees and asylum seekers are at a higher risk than the host population to poor health and financial stress. This study uses a unique longitudinal panel from Australia, the Building a New life in Australia (BNLA cohort) to understand the relationship over time between the social determinants ...
According to the United Nations High Commission on Refugees, the number of 'People of Concern' continues to escalate, particularly through the effects of protracted war, oppressive regimes and climate-based disasters like floods and droughts. Among these people are 'refugees' who face persecution in...
asylumseekerAustraliafriendshiprefugeevolunteerCare‐based interventions insituations of injustice are often characterised as separate from political activism. Critics argue that care‐based activities fail to address the causes of suffering, allowing structural issues to go unchallenged. Through an empirical ...
Primary health care [PHC] services with general practitioners (GPs) as the first point of access to health care services for people from refugee backgrounds in Australia can play a crucial role in building health literacy and promoting access to cultural