I have successfully implement the whole OAuth process using googleapis in my app and it works but I still get the invalid_grant error every now and then. I searched for a solution to this and it seems there is a lot of confusion as to how the tokens should work. When I want to make...
isv.invalid-token(无效的令牌) 系统异常,请联系商家。REDIRECT_URI_ILLEAGAL isv.grant-type-invalid(grant_type参数不正确) 商家会员卡 支付宝卡包 支付宝身份验证会员能力 > 网站支付宝登录 > 常见问题 > isv.refresh-token-invalid(刷新令牌(refresh_token)错误或状态不对) ...
最近同事用iOS App调用Open API时遇到一个问题:在access token过期后,用refresh token刷新access token时,服务器响应"invalid_grant"错误;而在access token没有过期的情况下,能正常刷新access token。 先查看了一下OAuth规范中的“Refreshing an Expired Access Token”流程图,以确认客户端的操作流程有没有问题。 问题...
I get the following error message: {"error_description":"Invalid grant_type refresh_token","error":"invalid_request"}. Do I need to do something in order to get that grant type to work? I noticed a similar topic here https://community.adobe.com/t5/adobe-sign/getting-...
该类是AuthenticationProvider针对OAuth 2.0中Authorization Code Grant模式的实现。关于AuthenticationProvider有必要简单强调一下,它已经多次在Spring Security干货系列中出现,十分重要!一定要去看看相关的分析和使用,它是你根据业务扩展认证方式渠道的重要入口。 2.1 OAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient ...
Hello there, I am using b2c login. I am able to get access_token, first requesting a code via the authorize and then using the code in /token endpoint. The issue is that I get {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADB2C90085: The service has encountered an internal ...
项目地址https://github.com/jeesun/oauthserver oauthserver 简介 oauthserver是一个基于Spring Boot Oau...
Hi, anyone came across this error? When I try to exchange the refresh token for an access token, I get this error message. However, this is only the case when using the refresh token generate with authorization workflow. When I use the r...
废话不多说,直接上代码! public static void generateKeyPair() throws Exception { KeyPairGene...
代码如下(code、client_id、client_secret、redirect_uri都是正确的参数,下面只是代写): $url = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token'; $data = array( 'grant_type'=>'authorization_code', 'code'=>'aaaa', 'client_id'=>'bbbb', ...