2021-11-02T19:26:00.939177Z ERROR aliyundrive_webdav::drive: refresh token failed: HTTP status client error (400 Bad Request) for url (https://websv.aliyundrive.com/token/refresh): The input parameter refresh_token is not valid. Please refer to document. RequestId:E662145B-4A35-422B-...
你好,请求包中填写的authorizer_refresh_toke是空值,请仔细检查下日志 开发者也可调用接口自查rid信息htt...
According to OAuth2 specification RFC6749, the Authorization Server can (optionally) return a new refresh token when a refresh token is used to request a new access token. If done, the old refresh token will no longer be valid. https://t...
1.为什么选用token而不选用cookie/session? 本质上token和cookie/session都是字符串,然而token是自带加密算法和用户信息(比如用户id),;而cookie本身不包含用户信息,它指向的是服务器上用户的 session,而由session保存用户信息。这点差别,决定token可以很容易的跨服务器,只要不同服务器实现相同解密算法即可;而cookie/sessi...
Token的检验,前端一般会放在请求头那么就是在HttpServletRequest内获取,来看实现: String token = request.getHeader(UserConstruct.ACCESS_TOKEN); // 判断header里面是否有token信息 if (StrUtil.isNotEmpty(token)) { // 从redis中获取用户的token信息
@RequestMapping(value = "/oauth/token", method=RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseEntity<OAuth2AccessToken> postAccessToken(Principal principal, @RequestParam Map<String, String> parameters) throws HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException { ... if (isRefreshTokenRequest(parameters)) { // A refresh token...
Microsoft Entra Conditional Access policies are not evaluated when PRTs are renewed. Key considerations In Microsoft Entra joined and Microsoft Entra hybrid joined devices, the CloudAP plugin is the primary authority for a PRT. If a PRT is renewed during a WAM-based token request, the PRT is ...
Task<string> SafeCreateNewToken (string iotHub, int suggestedTimeToLive); Parameters iotHub String The IoT hub domain name. suggestedTimeToLive Int32 The suggested TTL. Returns Task<String> The token string. Remarks This is an asynchronous method and should be awaited. ...