服务: Power BI REST APIs API 版本: v1.0 从“我的工作区”触发指定数据集的刷新。 仅当设置了除 以外的请求有效负载时,才会触发 notifyOption。 所需范围 Dataset.ReadWrite.All 局限性 对于共享容量,每天最多可以启动 8 个请求,包括使用计划刷新执行的刷新。 对于共享容量,只能在请求正文中指定 notify...
POST https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/{groupId}/datasets/{datasetId}/refreshes URI 参数 展开表 名称在必需类型说明 datasetId path True string 数据集 ID groupId path True string uuid 工作区 ID 请求正文 展开表 名称必需类型说明 notifyOption True NotifyOption 邮件通知选项...
Power BI REST APIs API Version: v1.0 [マイ ワークスペース] から、指定したデータセットの更新スケジュールを返します。 必要なスコープ Dataset.ReadWrite.All または Dataset.Read.All HTTPコピー 使ってみる GET https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/datasets/{datasetId}/refreshSchedule ...
Service: Power BI REST APIs API Version: v1.0 Bricht den angegebenen Aktualisierungsvorgang für das angegebene Dataset aus "Mein Arbeitsbereich" ab. Erforderlicher Bereich Dataset.ReadWrite.All HTTP Kopieren Jetzt testen DELETE https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/datasets/{datasetId}/...
Dataset refresh cancellation is now available in Power BI Premium Announcements Features Power BI Power BI Embedded 7 December, 2022byOgbemi Ekwejunor-Etchie Cancel an in-progress dataset refresh in Power BI » Read more Enhanced refresh with the Power BI REST API is now generally available ...
Next, click on the+ New stepbutton, then enter ‘power bi’ in the search box. You should see a list of actions like below: Then choose the newRefresh a datasetaction. Now, we’re at the last step of the Flow: Select thenameof the workspace, then the name of the of thedatasetthat...
By using the above code we will get access token which will be used while making refresh request in Power BI Service. 2.Refresh Power BI Dataset For making Power BI refresh request, we need dataset Id which need to be refreshed. We can get dataset id from Power BI service. ...
dataset usingMicrosoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.dll (via Python), and the refresh history on the settings page still shows that the dataset was last refreshed yesterday. It seems like the PowerBI.com user interface isn't catching on to the fact that I've refresehed the data from the API. ...
Admin API Activity Log - Dataset Refreshes 02-23-2024 11:36 AM Powerbi dataset refresh works on Desktop but not O... 08-23-2023 07:18 AM Check dataset refresh status REST API 08-01-2022 01:52 AM Disable PowerBI Dataset Refresh - Using PowerBI RE... ...
airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: An error occurred: Unable to fetch the details of dataset refresh with Request Id: <request id> However, on PowerBI side, the dataset is refreshed (timezone GMT+1, both the time in the refresh and the log are about the same): ...