refractive indexThe use of Zeiss Immersion Refractometer at low temperatures allows to determine the refractive index of pure water below room temperature (down to — 12°C), at 5 893 wavelength. The absolute index of water is found to exhibit a maximum in the supercooled region. The results ...
A survey of the available experimental data and the existing equations for the refractive index of water is given. The dependence of the molar refraction on wavelength, temperature, and density is shown over an extended range. Based upon the electromagnetic theory of light an equation for the ref...
Fig. 4Variation of IAPWS refractive index of water with temperature Fig. 5Imaginary part of the refractive index of water Fig. 5 has been derived from two independent sources: R.M. Pope and E.S. Fry, "Absorption spectrum (380-700 nm) of pure water. II. Integrating cavity measurements",...
Even though the refractive index is dominated by single molecule effects, such as the polarizability, there are some aspects of this property for water that are different from the refractive index behavior of most other liquids. Here, we discuss, then explain, these differences in terms of a tw...
The refractive index n of a medium (e.g., water, olive oil, etc.), also called the index of refraction, is defined as the quotient of the speed of light in vacuum c and the speed of light in the medium v. It is a dimensionless number that depends on the...
It is customary in precision distance measurement to consider the humidity as well as the temperature and pressure when computing the refractive index in air and, thus, the first velocity correction. In the past, the effect of liquid water on electronic distance measurement (EDM) in rain has ...
In most of the major cities the drinking water is supplied from rivers after treatment of water. It is the most important biological liquid. On the basis of literature data we present a simple approximation of water refractive index dependence on temperature. It is important for different ...
(1986) Hill, Lawrence. Infrared Physics. The refractive index of water vapor is calculated by line-by-line summation for wavelengths between 19 and 7.8μm. A simple formula for its dispersion and temperature dependence is given. We compare the line-by-li
The results at 20°C, with a standard deviation of 0·0055% 0, were obtained using natural sea water samples in the salinity range 30·9–38·8% 0. The paper also includes temperature correction tables for observations made between 15° and 30°C. Although the temperature dependence of ...
The refractive index of heavy water, 100% pure, was found by Lewis and Luten, and Luten to be less than that of normal water by 0·00456 at 20°C for λ5893, and this result has been approximately confirmed by the work of Washburn, Smith, and Frandsen, Tilton and Taylor (J. K.)...