The meaning of REFRACTIVE INDEX is the ratio of the speed of radiation (such as light) in one medium (such as air, glass, or a vacuum) to that in another medium.
6.2.1 Refractive Index The refractive index, n, of a material is defined as the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum relative to the velocity of light passing through that material. The refractive index in a vacuum is defined as 1, and the refractive index of air at 20 °C and...
refractive index indeks loma For a non-absorbing medium, refractive index (n) is the ratio of the velocity of electromagnetic radiation (light) in vacuum to the phase velocity of radiation of a specified frequency in the medium. Citing this page: Generalic, Eni. "Refractive index." Croatian-...
contributed important new information on the dispersion of air, which has made it possible to derive an improved dispersion formula for standard air, ( n 1) s × 10 8 = 8342.13 + 2406030 (130 σ 2 ) -1 + 15997 (38.9 σ 2 ) 1 , where σ is the vacuum wave-number in μm -1 ...
We introduce the database, a comprehensive open-source repository containing optical constants for a wide array of materials, and describe in detail the underlying dataset. This collection, derived from a meticulous compilation of data sourced from peer-reviewed publications, manufact...
medium (e.g., water, olive oil, etc.), also called the index of refraction, is defined as the quotient of the speed of light in vacuumcand the speed of light in the mediumv. It is a dimensionless number that depends on the temperature of the medium and the...
折射率(Refractiveindex)折射率(Refractive index)[RS0 rendering for high effect circular noise, S1 noise polygon][any object will absorb part of the light so as not to set the reflection as RGB 255 (Chun Bai). In this way, Maxwell loses contrast when rendering,And generate noise. Because...
(physics) the ratio of the speed of light in air or vacuum to that in another medium [..] + Add translation English-Chinese dictionary 折射率 noun optical characteristic of a material Too, by using high-refractive-index glass, it is possible to make strong-prescription lenses tolerably ...
in′dex of refrac′tion n. a number indicating the speed of light in a given medium, usu. as the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum or in air to that in the given medium. [1820–30] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright ...
but begin to become a reality also in the optical domain. Negative refractive index values give rise to a range of intriguing phenomena such asnegative refraction[5]. For example,refractionat the interface between vacuum and such a material works such that the refracted beam is on the same sid...