We introduce the refractiveindex.info database, a comprehensive open-source repository containing optical constants for a wide array of materials, and describe in detail the underlying dataset. This collection, derived from a meticulous compilation of data sourced from peer-reviewed publications, manufact...
Non-Cryst. Solids 130 326-31Haglund, RF, Mogul, HC, Weeks, RA, Zuhr, RA (1991) Changes in the Refractive index of fused silica due to implantation of transition-metal ions. J. Non-Cryst. Sol. 130: pp. 326-331
“Fused quartz” and “fused silica” are medium refractive-index glasses containing predominately SiO2 in the amorphous (non-crystalline) form. The word quartz usually refers to the natural crystal or mineral as opposed to the phrase “fused quartz” which refers to the glass that is...
Therefractiveindexoffusedsilicaanditsdependenceontemperaturehavebeenstudiedbyanumberofinvestigators usingvarioustechniques,bothaboveandbelowroomtemperature.In1965,Malitsonreportedontheroomtemperature interspecimenvariabilityinrefractiveindexofopticalqualityfusedsilicafromthreemanufacturersusingthemethodof ...
The temperature dependence of the refractive indices of high-purity fused silica and crystal quartz was measured in the 450-1600 nm wavelength range and at temperatures from room temperature to 400 degrees C. The average thermal coefficients of the refractive indices of those materials show opposite...
The index of refraction of optical quality fused silica (SiO2) was determined for 60 wavelengths from 0.21 to 3.71 at 20°C. The dispersion equation [equation] where λ is expressed in microns was found to yield an absolute residual of 10.5×10-6. The variation in index between 12 specimens...
The refractive indices of several fused silica and calcium fluoride samples from different suppliers were measured with the minimum deviation method in the deep UV between 191 and 196 nm with a standard uncertainty of 7 ppm. For both materials the dispersion dn/dlambda near 193 nm and 20 degree...
The variations in the refractive index of fused silica upon bombardment by protons are determined as a function of depth, in an optical fiber geometry, by techniques of interference microscopy. The index profiles clearly distinguish between the ionization and nuclear stopping regions, and the magnitude...
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Wyatt Technology Corp. has launched a refractive index detector for use with ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatograph (UHPLC) systems using columns packed with small beads. The Optilab UT-rEX, the first refractive index detector for UHPLC applications, uses a combination of miniaturized components an...