As a typical open system,the security council of the United Nations has made some achievements in reforms which are actually restricted by its internal power structure and external environment.Reports of both the Secretary-General's High-Level Panel and Secretary-General Kofi-Annan on veto power,SC...
However, if the proposed reforms are indeed for promoting peace and democracy among the nations in the world, the powers of the Security Council should be the sole responsibility of the General Assem...
The UN institutions were created at a time when most of the countries in Africa were not independent, but urgent reforms are needed so they fit the reality of today, he said. "From the UN Security Council to the Bretton Woods system, global institutions reflect the world that built them 80...
Beyond the Veto: Chinese Diplomacy in the United Nations Security Council Once described as a "diligent apprentice," China has emerged in the early 21st century as an active and sometimes contentious participant in the UN Securit... J Wuthnow - 《Dissertations & Theses Gradworks》 被引量: 15...
The UN Security Council Reforms and Historical Transformation of Concepts of Accountability: Toward Pragmatic Plural Accountability Mechanisms This paper aims to deal with the issue of how to limit abuses of power in global politics where there exists no global centralized accountability mechanism... I...
The Security Council would have to undergo profoundreforms,including in its membershipandworkingmethods, to ensure that any civilian [...] 安全理 事会必须进行深刻的改革,包括成员组成和工作方法的改革,以确保任何保护平民的行动不会滥用权力和 挑三拣四。
"We are convinced that a durable stability in Syria can only be reached by political and diplomatic methods in accordance with the resolution 2254 of the UN Security Council and with strict observation of principles of unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country," he said. ... 美国力求提高民众对妇女法律权利的认识,通过东道国民间 社会组织以及政府立法和司法部门,形成对妇女法律权利的支持,促进由地方主 导法律改革。 [...] as well as, inter alia, in respectoftheownership ofassets and property rights, to promoting...
Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Central African Republic Refworld is the leading source of information necessary for taking quality decisions on refugee status. Refworld contains a vast collection of reports rela... US General - 《Un Security Council》 被引量: 31发表: ...
But in general terms,the reformslaunchedlastyearin thesecurity sector will be continued this year in order to train [...] 但是一般而言,今年将继续进行去年在安全部门中开始的改革,以便培训警察部队和军队,使其能够 充分确保全国领土的安全,并增进本来就有利的条...