Reformer实际不是直接讲时间序列的,但是很多时间序列预测的论文都提到了它。论文的全称是:“Reformer: The Efficient Transformer”,讲了一种能提高传统Transformer性能(内存占用、计算效率)的架构。 传统Transformer有三大问题: 序列长度为L时,如果要做self-attetion需要计算L平方次(每个元素都需要跟L个元素进行计算),且...
第一列中,Transformer是原生的, Reversible Transformer就是论文引入的可逆Transformer(接下来详细说), Chunked Reversible Transformer就是可逆网络分块处理(接下来详细说),LSH Transformer就是文中引入的局部近似Hash(接下来详细说), Reformer就是上述三个汇总。 参数解释如下,b是batch size, l是输入文本长度, dff是fe...
John Howard was an English philanthropist and reformer in the fields of penology and public health. On his father’s death in 1742, Howard inherited considerable wealth and traveled widely in Europe. He then became high sheriff in Bedfordshire in 1773. A
for he knew this step had driven Luther and the Swiss ReformerHuldrych Zwingliout of theRoman Catholicchurch, but he soon agreed with them that biblical authority ought to be primary in the life of the believer and in the church. By 1528 he was known as an Evangelical preacher, though he...
#ICLR 2020##论文推荐# reformer高效处理长序列,单机能跑,计算资源贫困人士的福音。基于 Transformer 的各种巨型模型在各种自然语言处理任务中常常能够取得最优结果,但这些模型的训练成本往往过高,在针对长序列文本上尤甚。为此,本文提出两种技术以改善基于 Transformer 的这类模型,名为 Reformer。第一,使用局部敏感 hash...
REFORMER: THE EFFICIENT TRANSFORMER TextTubes for Detecting Curved Text in the Wild Joint Commonsense and Relation Reasoning for Image and Video Captioning 论文1:Mastering Complex Control in MOBA Games with Deep Reinforcement Learning 作者:Deheng Ye、Zhao Liu、Mingfei Sun 等 ...
Reformer Pilates is a notoriously difficult version of the exercise that's already know to be one of the toughest workouts out there. In fact, when TODAY'sCraig Melvin tried reformer Pilates, it called it “perhaps the most intense” he’d ever done, adding that it left him sore for thre...
文章目录 Reformer要解决的问题 Reformer怎么解决以上三个问题 Reformer时间、空间复杂度汇总 我们接下来详解以上三个改进 一. hash近似Attention 二. 可逆网络 三. 可逆网络分块 四. 总结一下,Reformer确实在内存、性能优化方面明显改进,提出或借鉴的方法比较有意思。 如有不对地方,欢迎指出,谢谢。 参考链接: 论文:...
论文一览: 痛点 深度学习一个主要问题就是要在一个连续高维的空间中去最小化非凸的损失函数。 人们使用的方法经常是梯度下降或者拟牛顿法,这些方法找到全局最小值的主要困难源自局部极小值的扩散,其误差远高于全局最小值。但是本文认为,真正需要担...
REFORMER: THE EFFICIENT TRANSFORMER TextTubes for Detecting Curved Text in the Wild Joint Commonsense and Relation Reasoning for Image and Video Captioning 论文1:Mastering Complex Control in MOBA Games with Deep Reinforcement Learning 作者: Deheng Ye、Zhao Liu、Mingfei Sun 等 ...