Learn about the Dutch Reformed Church history and beliefs. Explore the Protestant Reformation and Eighty Year's War's role in its creation and...
But that seems to be exactly what sects do, pick and choose from among the Catholic doctrines, and change them to fit their own beliefs. Anyone can claim to submit himself to Tradition, but when one starts picking and choosing or altering the Tradition to fit one’s interpretation, then,...
Church history is of vital importance to historical theology since it gives theology acontextin which it was produced and defined. Systematic Theology attempts to create statement of faith with the leading doctrines of the Christian Bible. Historical Theology then embodies both of these concepts as a...
and this truism applies to the Christian as well. While Roman Catholics or even Eastern Orthodox can always appeal to and found core beliefs on deep historicity, we Protestants, being the product of Reformation have either the choice of being established...
migrating back to the homeland. This is a radical move many are not ready to take. An Evangelical converting to Orthodoxy can still take with them many of the lessons learned from Protestantism, however, there are many significant changes in beliefs, attitudes, and lifestyle they will need to...
Instead of Maria de' Medici and Louis XIII only using the churches as symbols of their religious beliefs, they supported them as a means of pursuing their political objectives, goals that varied depending upon who was in control of the throne. Specifically, Maria de' Medici became a patron ...
new” Calvinists (such as Mark Driscoll), saying that their movement is “cooperative” and “seems focused on the gospel,” when in actuality this so-called “new” Calvinism promotes contemplative spirituality (Driscoll being a prime example of this) as well as other New Spirituality beliefs....
It don’t delete the message like the Catholic Bible did The Authorized King James Bible is what it claims to be: The Word that God inspired, translated and gave to me! (Repeat Chorus) It’s amazing how they worship that book. Thank God for the honest KJV advocates. ...
group in the Latin countries of Europe, each having a Reformed Church. French Reformed Christians have played a role in theWorld Council of Churches, in liturgical and theological renewal, in relating the church to technology and urbanization, and in Catholic–Protestant and Communist–Christian...
Key People: Hugh Paulin Cressy Claude Fleury Related Topics: megachurch canonization apostolic succession catholic congregation See all related content The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica This article was most recently revised and updated byKara Rogers....