October 20, 2022Keith ThroopBiblical Interpretation,Great Tradition,Hermeneutics,Reformed Baptist Theology,Theology Review of Interpreting Scripture With the Great Tradition — Part 1 “Great Tradition” This post is the first of four brief posts that will address the book Interpreting Scripture with the...
The Hermeneutical Spiral vs Reformed Theology's Spiral ...1 A. The Hermeneutical Spiral as a Model...3 B. The Word of God, The Acting Force...6 II. The Baseline of Error for Reform...9 A. Baseline of Error in
A Site dedicated to the Biblical doctrines of the Reformation from a Reformed Baptist perspective, 1689 Federalism, Covenantal, Amillennial, Baptistic, and Christ centered
Manual of Theology, by J. L. Dagg. (Baptist) Marrow of Theology, by William Ames Outlines of Theology, by AA Hodge Systematic Theology, by Berkhof, Louis Systematic Theology, by Dabney, R. L. Systematic Theology, by Hodge, Charles (3 Volumes) Systematic Theology, by Smith, Morton (2 V...
(albeit with a distinction made that baptism does not regenerate or save the child). The background provided in the introduction prepares the reader by rehashing some of the Dutch Reformed Church controversies of the era when Bavinck wrote. As a Baptist who appreciates Reformed theology I still...
Welcome We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the full knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding to lead a life worthy of the Lord, f
“he descended into hell” from the Apostles’ Creed. He is not the first Protestant to do so; John Piper also hasproposedeliminating this line from the Apostles’ Creed,as hasWayne Grudem.3So has Covenant Theological Seminary’s professor of systematic theology, Michael Williams.4In defense ...
Duane A. Garrett(PhD, Baylor University) is the John R. Sampey Professor of Old Testament Interpretation and Professor of Biblical Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and has served as a pastor and missionary. He coauthoredA Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrewand coedited theNIV ...
Another group of reformers, often though not altogether correctly referred to as “radical reformers,” insisted thatbaptismbe performed not on infants but on adults who had professed their faith in Jesus. CalledAnabaptists, they remained a marginal phenomenon in the 16th century but survived—despi...
the journal of the SBC's executive committee, published two articles on Calvinism in April. In one, Malcolm Yarnell, associate professor of systematic theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, argued that Southern Baptists generally reject any notion that God "arbitrarily chooses individuals...