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之前在Sample sale逛了很久,意外抢到了一条8码的Kourtney,虽然不是我的码,但缩水后竟然能穿了!以前瘦的时候她家2-4码都买过,最近长胖了不少,所以我的目标码数就是6码,给缩水留点余地。首先看上的是Frankie Silk Dress,我看到的时候最小码只有8了并且库存很低,加入购物车后手贱又点了一下,结果告诉我无法...
Reformation ➤Reformation 夏日大促 低至3折 断码中。 ➤Final Sale不退不换。 ➤美国境内免运费。 很多款式悄悄降价!码数还很全哦,喜欢的姐妹速度入场!一键get法式优雅,俏皮又性感,复古又高级,出游好选择!碎花、波点等元素被灵活运用在设计中,大方领、一字肩等也是掺着一丢丢小性感,出游、凹造型选它准没...
Reformation ➤Reformation 夏日大促 低至3折 断码中。 ➤Final Sale不退不换。 ➤美国境内免运费。 很多款式悄悄降价!码数还很全哦,喜欢的姐妹速度入场!一键get法式优雅,俏皮又性感,复古又高级,出游好选择!碎花、波点等元素被灵活运用在设计中,大方领、一字肩等也是掺着一丢丢小性感,出游、凹造型选它准没...
Martin Luther was a monk, theologian and religious reformer. Many people also see him as the “Father of Protestantism”. During his life, he became disenchanted with the power that the Catholic Church had over people’s lives. He was particularly concerned about the sale of indulgences. ...
Many people in Western Europe grew weary of the Church's secular authority. They found the Church's sale of indulgences (forgiveness of sins) to be unchristian and hypocritical. Some even believed that the ultimate religious authority lay in the text of the Bible rather than in the pope's ...
Luther objected to the church's sale of plenary indulgences, which were certificates that forgave sins. Fundamentally, Luther challenged the power of the Pope and his church as the only source of Christian salvation. This sparked a religious movement, the Protestant Reformation. Luther wasn't the...
There is no proof that these reformers initially had any impact on Martin Luther, the main reformer and a German monk who also opposed the sale of indulgences, despite the fact that today these reformers are acknowledged as the forerunners of the Reformation. Whatever year is chosen for the ...
Sale Price: $11.21Retail Price: $14.95 You Save: $3.74 (25%) Softcover Qty: Add to CartDetails Sermons for Lent and Easter by Martin Luther $14.95 Softcover Qty: Add to CartDetails The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther $14.95 Softcover Qty: Add to CartDetails Matthew’s Bible, 1537...
➤Reformation 夏日大促 低至3折 断码中。 ➤Final Sale不退不换。 ➤美国境内免运费。 很多款式悄悄降价!码数还很全哦,喜欢的姐妹速度入场!一键get法式优雅,俏皮又性感,复古又高级,出游好选择!碎花、波点等元素被灵活运用在设计中,大方领、一字肩等也是掺着一丢丢小性感,出游、凹造型选它准没错!