Noun1.Counter Reformation- the reaction of the Roman Catholic Church to the Reformation reaffirming the veneration of saints and the authority of the Pope (to which Protestants objected); many leaders were Jesuits religious movement- a movement intended to bring about religious reforms ...
The meaning of COUNTERREFORMATION is the reform movement in the Roman Catholic Church following the Reformation.
Definition of Reformation in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Reformation? Meaning of Reformation as a legal term. What does Reformation mean in law?
The term "Reformation" refers to a number of changes in both theology and religious life in the Christian communities of Northern Europe, whose members had till then allied themselves with the Catholic Church. These new churches tended to associate themselves with the countries where they arose, ...
"the resurgence of the Catholic Church from mid-16c. to early 17c. in response to the Protestant Reformation," 1840, fromcounter-+Reformation. reform(n.) "any proceeding which brings back a better order of things or attempts to improve the present," 1660s, fromreform(v.) and in some us...
pre-Reformation religion - fear of the afterlife, not a driving impulseLollards and evangelicals - “Lollards” obscure terms meaning “mumbler of prayersboundaries between orthodoxy and heresy - blurred and permeableprimacy of Scripture - implicit in Henrician Reformation...
Stan Goff: Getting Off the Road 2009 Montaigne appears here as a founding father of the Counter Reformation, being the leader of the Michel de Montaigne Foglia, Marc 2004 The chief aims of the Counter Reformation were to increase faith among church members, end many of the abuses to which ...
Churchmen criticized the administration of the church and began to doubt some of its teachings. For example, the church insisted that it alone had the authority to interpret the meaning of the Bible for the people. As early as the 14th century, however, John Wycliffe, an English priest and ...
the Reformation [singular] new ideas in religion in 16th century Europe that led to attempts to reform (= change and improve) the Roman Catholic Church and to the forming of the Protestant Churches; the period of time when these changes were taking place CultureTopics Historyc2, Religion and ...
). With capital R-, in reference to the great 16c. European religious revolution, it is attested by 1540s, borrowed from Luther. The movement began as a bid to "reform" doctrines and practices of the Church of Rome. also from late 14c....