100. The Reformation and Counter-Reformation, by Michael Mullett, 2010 Historical Dictionary of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation Michael Mullett Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements, No. 100 The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Lanham • Toronto • Plymouth, UK 2010...
★The Catholic reformation, that is, Counter-Reformation afterwards was to a great extent occupied with the principles and requirements laid down at the Council of Trent. 3.5.2 Ignatius and the Jesuits (伊那爵与耶稣会) ★Ignatius was a Spaniard who devoted his life to defending the Roman Cath...
Although religious unrest had been brewing in Western Europe long before Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, historians view this event as the tipping point that shattered the unity of the Medieval Catholic civilization. Disillusioned ...
宗教改革(Reformation)是指16世纪时发生在西欧的一系列针对天主教会的宗教、政治、文化和社会变革运动。总述 一、背景宗教环境:到了15世纪末,天主教会的权威受到质疑,教会内部的腐败、奢侈及售卖赎罪状等问题…
Reformation and Counter-Reformation in Illinois School Finance: 1973-1981. A nine-year evaluation of the effects of Illinois' 1973 school finance reforms on educational equity indicated that the degree of equity increased from 197... Hickrod, G. Alan|And Others - Center for the Study of ...
Just about everything which followed in European history can be traced back in some way to the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation which it provoked. The Reformation is where the modern world painfully and dramatically began, and MacCulloch's great history of it is recognised as the best ...
doi:10.1179/007516358790589034HorneP. R.Italian StudiesHORNE, Reformation and Counter-Reformation = PHILIP HORNE, Reformation and Counter-Reformation at Ferrara, Antonio Musa Brasavola and Giambattista Cinthio Giraldi, «Italian Studies», XIII, 1958, pp. 62-82....
The Counter Reformation is part of the Cambridge Topics in History series which looks at key A-level topics through a stimulating selection of original documents and other source material. In recent years historians have transformed the very meaning of the term 'Counter Reformation'. Scholarship has...
At the same time he provides an early example of the pastoral bishop that was to become the ideal of both the Reformation and the Counter Reformation. Finally in the crisis that paved the way for the English Reformation, he became the leading defender of Queen Catherine against the divorce ...