You know, my parents told me as a child that the university was the great place where civilization was carried forward, was passed from one generation to another and I arrived as a freshman you know teach me teach me I wanted to learn and but I had had a formation at home that was i...
And the new residents of the town demand schools, clinics, pharmacies and so on, which in the absence of state provision are provided through burgeoning private businesses linked to investment from the diaspora, local businesspeople and land reform farm owners profiting from mining (and some ranchi...
a随着新课程教育改革的进一步深化,农村教师队伍的素质成为制约课程改革的瓶颈,我们也进一步反思可以通过何种途径可以更好更快地促进农村幼儿教师的专业化成长。 Educates the reform along with the new curriculum the further deepening, the countryside teacher troop's quality becomes the bottleneck which the restric...
Since the curriculum reform, literacy in mathematics education for teachers of mathematics in primary schools has a new requirement, as is the need for training of mathematics teachers in maths in primary schools. This article by understanding mathematics literacy in primary school mathematics teach 翻...
Nonetheless, a unique skirmish with another teacher during those two years distilled for me both the highs and lows of teaching in big city high schools in the early 1970s. The prickly exchange between veteran teacher Myrtle Davis (a pseudonym) and me occurred over a unit on the city in my...
‘developing a leaning environment that is welcoming, warm and safe is a fundamental aim of every classroom.’ Now, I knew that Adriano meant ‘learning environment’ when he typed ‘leaning environment’ in a fast-paced Twitter chat, but it got me thinking: How are schools ‘leaning ...
这对中国足球事业来说,无疑是个灾难。 I hope the football reform will bring some changes in the high schools, free the football field, let us keep loving the football. 我希望足球改革能给高中带来一些变化,解放足球场,让我们继续热爱足球。查看全部...
But here’s the problem: parents with the resources to drive their children to a better school outside will take these vouchers to “better” (generally wealthier) schools and away from the schools that need them. And the parents who do not have these resources (generally poorer) are stuck...
The Empowerment Scholarship Account program — the most expansive school-choice program in America — is a pure choice-based system that provides $6,500 per student to any family that prefers an alternative to public schools. …When he entered office, he announced that he wanted the ...
schools. Second, it comes from what Matt Yglesias refers to as a“Green Lantern” theoryabout education – if teacher productivity and efficiency are what matters, then you don't have to deal with the fact that California schools are 43rd in the nation in per-pupil spending, because all ...