8.Well, some think Army-Navy is a reform school — a place where parents send their troubled boys for a dose of discipline. 9.Some have spent time in jail or reform schools, many are escaping severely dysfunctional families, while others have no family at all. ...
Parents know private schools produce much better educational outcomes than government schools, but most families opt for the inferior option because it’s already being financed by their tax dollars. I fear the same thing will happen with the so-called public option. Politicians (in their never-...
U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2018).Report to congressional requesters: K-12 discipline disparities for Black students, boys, and students with disabilities. Author.https://www.gao.gov/assets/700/690828.pdf Google Scholar Wadhwa, A. (2015).Restorative justice in urban schools: Disruptin...
The research concerning such schools in shaping young lives is scattered within the historiography of youth. Girls were taught domestic skills and boys were trained in trades such as agriculture. Forced labor was not punishment but seen as moral uplift for troubled youth. This ...
“You will not hear me making some grand statement like ‘It’s my intention to lead kids into the 21st Century,’” he said. “I’m going to talk to proper structuring of the administration. I’m going to give more authority to the schools. And those two things are for one reason-...