Here we will look at what reflexology is, how it started, how it works, what a reflexology foot chart looks like, the benefits of reflexology, the scientific research behind it, the benefits and risks and why reflexology should be used alongside conventional medicine rather than as an alternati...
need for the concentration of pressure to the area over some period of time until soreness abates. Yogi Bhajan's Illustrated Foot Reflexology Chart 'Foot' Notes Left foot: Karam -- Right foot: Dharam The deities appear wherever there are controlling nerve centers in the foot. The serpents enci...
Foot Reflexology ChartYou Might Also Like Massage Maps • Reflexology Medical AMTA Massage Anatomy Guide Medical Auriculo 360 - The Living Ear Medical Reflexology Areas Health & Fitness AnatomyMapp Lite Medical Acupoint - Chinese Acupuncture
The alligator is the king of the underworld. First Chakra: The elephant stands for wisdom; the snake, the elimination center. The moon above Saraswati depicts expansion. The dove’s, peaceful coexistence. The hawk’s, courage. --Small Foot Chart...
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Interactive reflexology pressure point chart | Reflex zone therapy chart uterus | Acupressure diagram & reflexology diagrams are excellent tools for courses, classes & distance learning | Accupressure reflex therapy diagram for the foot, hand, and ear | Any reflexology diagram of the foot, hand or...
Hand/foot reflexology chart: discover the best acupressure points in the various hand charts. The high resolution examples below represent various reflexology hand cards.Reflexology hand chart 1 - Western chart:A striking characteristic of this Western hand chart concerns the assocation for the ...
Discover the hidden secrets of the human body for the first time in 3D! Learn how Kenrico pads with Sporolife improves your body, your nerves, your blood vessel…
the oriental art of treating certain disorders by stimulating special areas on the sole of the foot. —reflexologist,n. See also:Remedies the study of behavior and its interpretation according to a concept that regards behavior as a combination of simple and complex reflexes. —reflexologist,n.—...
generally working toward the heel of the foot or the outer palm of the hand. Most reflexologists apply pressure with their thumbs bent; however, some also use simple implements, such as the eraser end of a pencil. Reflexology therapy is not massage, and it is not a substitute for medical ...