In some Western hands reflexology charts the eyes are associated with the 2nd phalange of the index finger (see chart 1) or the middle finger (see chart 2). But in the Korean 'Koryo hand therapy' charts the eyes are placed on the tip of the middle finger (see chart 3). The ...
1.A form of therapy used in alternative medicine, in which the soles of the feet are massaged . 2.Developed from zone therapy, this is a method of bringing about relaxation, balance and healing through the stimulation of specific points on the feet, or the hands. ...
See how your fingernails can indicate your state of health.Detailed Ear Chart © Essential Oil Books 2010Face Talk ChartReach Out And Touch SomebodySee All About ReflexologyYour Life Path NumberHow Meditation WorksSee All About MudrasAbout Your Hands...
©Essential Oil Books 2010 Face Reflexology Chart Reach Out And Touch Somebody See All About Reflexology Your Life Path Number How Meditation Works See All About Mudras About Your Hands Science of Mantra Anand (Bliss) Disclaimer Pages And Points To Ponder...
foot. Additional reflexology addresses the nerves that are located in the hand. This is a completely natural therapy that affords relief without the use of drugs. The Reflexology Association of America (RAA) formally discourages the use of oils or other preparations in performing this hands-on ...
aA reflexology chart mirrors a reflection of the body on the feet and hands, left foot or hand representing the body's left half and right foot or hand its right half. In reflexology practice, technique is applied to the relevant reflex area(s) to prompt a change in the related part of...
Start with a light hand massage to improve circulation. Use your fingers to make circular motions on the palms and the backs of your hands. 3. Locating Reflex Points Use a reflexology chart to identify the reflex points on your hands. These points are generally located on the fingers, palms...
Including an interactive chart & diagram. Sexual compulsion point & sexual desire ear points. Ear reflexology points inside a chart: Acupressure points benefits & ear reflexology chart printable, and treatments for headache, constipation, or pain in hands & feet or ears. Interactive ear charts, ...
Emma Loewe Women Of All Ages Say This Makes Your Hands Look Younger Overnight Carleigh Ferrante moreRelationships Advertisement This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Popular Stories
Reduce the effects of stress and pain, while increasing mobility and energy; revitalize your body. Reflexology is a unique form of acupressure that focuses on reflex points in the feet, hands ears and face where each area of the body is represented in miniature. Our feet carry our history, ...