2. (Grammar) denoting a verb used transitively with the reflexive pronoun as its direct object, as the French se lever "to get up" (literally "to raise oneself") or English to dress oneself 3. (Physiology) physiol of or relating to a reflex 4. (Logic) logic maths (of a relation) ...
This wraps up our full guide on how to use reflexive verbs in Spanish. Let’s do a quick recap before we go. Once you’re through, we’ll leave you with a set of exercises where you can practice conjugating reflexive verbs with the right reflexive pronouns. We started today’s lesson ...
To receive full credit, you must type a complete sentence using the format from 'B' above! Evaluate responses using AI: OFF A: ¿A qué hora te despiertas? B: Me despierto a las ___. To receive full credit, you must record a complete sentence using the format from 'B' above! Mat...
it is necessary to study and remember which words follow this rule. These flashcards will help you to review some of the most commonly used reflexive verbs in French: réveiller, lèver, laver, habiller, raser, maquiller, dépêcher, coucher, and endormer. Flip through to practice translating ...
French My Personal World Foundation 老師61個詞語 CCS_MFL_French 預覽 Drug Groups 1 - 10 老師218個詞語 Matthew_French8 預覽 re practice exam 108個詞語 mjbaz74 預覽 Irregular Verbs 35個詞語 bchelby 預覽 CN 2: Coop with local govt 8個詞語 lauren_meehling 預覽 French midterm 352個詞語 nauman...
Practice Essay 6個詞語 cevans30 預覽 Week 3 Lecon 1B 69個詞語 Doorveley_Dechemin 預覽 Latin American Independence - Leaders 14個詞語 Rudra-Garg 預覽 French 47個詞語 refvik1616 預覽 French Family vocabulary 33個詞語 jensy_curup28 預覽 Passé Recent (Reflexive Verbs) 9個詞語 AlexGalJua 預覽 Un...
2. Progressive verbs Thepresent progressivestructure in Spanish is equivalent to your use of‑ing verbsin English. While the structure in English calls for a conjugated form ofto befollowed by the‑ing formof the action verb, the structure in Spanish generally starts with aconjugated form of...