Verdier, Reflexive modules over rational double points, Math. Ann., 270(1):79-82, 1985, MR 0769609, Zbl 0553.14001.Artin, M., Verdier, J.-L., Reflexive Modules over Rational Double Points, Math. Ann. 270 (1985), 79-82.M. Artin and J. L. Verdier . Reflexive modules over rational...
We show that the first and second Brauer--Thrall type theorems hold for the category of totally reflexive $R$-modules. More precisely, we prove that, for infinitely many integers $n$, there exists an indecomposable totally reflexive $R$-module of multiplicity $n$. Moreover, if the residue ...
There exist a nodal chain of smooth rational curves C=C1∪⋯∪Ck with marked points pi as shown in Fig. 4.1, a smooth, irreducible, quasi-projective variety H⊂Hom(C,X) and a morphism μ:H×C→X with the following properties. (4.5.1) The variety H×C1 dominates the component X...
Reflexive modules over rational double points - Artin, Verdier - 1985 () Citation Context ...sses of vector bundles. In this framework, the deformation of BPS states will give a map between the K-theory groups KΓ(X) and K0( ˜ X). This is a more precise formulation of the McKay ...
Marczinzik had motivated his question by providing large classes of algebras such that any algebra in the class which is not self-injective has simple modules which are not reflexive. However, as it turns out, most of these classes have the property that any algebra in the class which is ...
Reflexive modules over coherent GCD-domains. Comm. Algebra 33Wang F G, Tang G H. Reflexive modules over coherent GCD-domains[J]. Comm Algebra,2005,33:3283-3292.F. G. Wang,G. H. Tang.Reflexive modules over coherent GCD-domains. Communications in Algebra . 2005...
reflexive modulesprojective dimensiondepthThe purpose of this paper is to examine the freeness of nonzero reflexive modules M and N over a regular local ring R, under the condition is zero.T. DuraivelFormerly of Pondicherry UniversityP. Jothilingam...
reflexive modulesprojective dimensiondepthThe purpose of this paper is to examine the freeness of nonzero reflexive modules M and N over a regular local ring R, under the condition Ext(R)(1) (Hom(M, N), R) is zero.Jothilingam, P.Duraivel, T....
Simple reflexive modules over Artin algebrasdoi:10.1142/s0219498819501937René MarczinzikWorld Scientific Publishing Company
Let M be an irreducible linear algebraic monoid defined over IC (an algebraically closed field). Let M(n)(K) denote the set of all n x n matrices over K. We write N-n for the (irreducible closed) submonoid of M(n)(K)) consisting of the n x n matrices of which each element ...