Phonetic (Standard)IPA adjective thatreflects;reflecting. of or relating toreflection. cast by reflection. given to, marked by, or concerned with meditation or deliberation: a reflective person. Synonyms:thoughtful,contemplative Discover More Other Words From ...
In other words, you start to reflect on the experience of having a mind. Other reflective thinking examples you can experience come from related questions in Gary Weber’s Evolving Beyond Thought:How real are my thoughts? Do my thoughts have value? Where does the sense of “real” and “...
A good teacher is not simply engaged in practical activities, but can develop a mindful, reflective approach that consists of focusing intensive attention on discovering what drives his/her choices when taking action. In other words, a good teacher is someone that examines the uncertainties ...
In other words, it’s not just the thinking that’s important. You also have to develop an understanding of the theory and others’ practice too, and explore ideas with others.Reflective practice can be a shared activity: it doesn’t have to be done alone. Indeed, some social ...
or when it’s intervened with some English words which I have difficulty finding a substitution in Chinese, the listeners feel that I sound weird and even pretentious for “showing off” my English proficiency. That’s when I might ridicule myself for violating the descriptive rules in Chinese...
In other words, as it is identified in the formula (C = O x TC), creativity is a multiplicative process of originality and task constraints (Gajda, 2017). Gajda (2017) asserts that, since creativity is closely related to, among others, problem-solving, deductive and inductive thinking, it...
【Reflective】 differs from 【thoughtful】 in its stronger implication of orderly processes of thought, such as analysis and logical reasoning, and in its suggestion of a definite aim, such as the understanding of a thing’s nature or of its relation to other things or the reaching of a defi...
'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine ...
In other words, first what things ought to look like. The Gray paper,incident meter, with same Manual flash power and still same f/7, by removing one paper sheet from top at a time. There was only the one original incident meter reading for everything, since the lighting and distance ...