how Stella longs for long hair. My daughter tells me she wears her swimming cap with the fabric along the sides to pretend to have long hair, so the Elsa wig was an immediate hit. Stella didn’t wear it for long, but not because she was bullied about it. It just wasn’t practical ...
PC312Cat-tails, followed closely by PC314 Shades of Autumn) and doing 5 workshops/lectures for local guilds. In the midst of all that, my son asked me to make a quilt for his upcoming wedding – 4 weeks before the wedding!!! Need I mention that he’s been engaged for 2 years?!?
Merriam-Webster tells us that “panel” comes from Middle Englishpanel, panele, pannel,meaning a piece of cloth. From an expanse of fabric it has come to mean a similar expanse of wood or other rigid material, as used in constructing houses, cars, etc. And since “a piece of cloth” ...
The compilation of reviews, particularly the "Best Films of 2012," showcases the depth and breadth of the site's coverage. From the experimental animation in "It's Such a Beautiful Day" to the intense realism of "Zero Dark Thirty," Cinematic Reflections embraced a wide spectrum of genres, ...
Chester Hill Lookout: View southwest beyond Prince Edward Viaduct over the Don valley, towards downtown core apartment buildings, bank towers, and the CN Tower. Summer heat is over, but foliage has not yet turned into autumn colours. Sun is setting earlier, I got caught out without my bike...
summer wardrobe, and replaces it with nothing but matching bomber jackets and ridiculously large scarves. The average temperature may have swung between 15 and 21 degrees, but that didn’t stop the residents of Bologna wrapping up for a nuclear winter before the Autumn leaves had started falling...
During the past four years, Larina has shared many of her writings, both poetry and prose, about Zachary with me, and we published several of her pieces inTouch: The Journal of Healing: “A Little Perspective,”“Hospital Hush,”“The Light at the End,”“They Said,” and “Autumn 2003...
Of course, people who have had babies can recognize the lie, and many people can just see birth scenes as the plot device they actually are. Birth scenes in mass media contribute to weaving the fabric of fear around birth and pathologizes labor pain — often justifying the medicalization of...
Today, I got up and went to the gym. I wrote in my journal like I always do and now I’m writing this pointless post. I started a new drawing of autumn leaves done in pastels and colored pencils, which I’ll be working on most of the afternoon and I’ll take some time to doWo...
Around this time of year I relish the gradual change of seasons to a cool and crisp autumn. It’s my favorite season but there’s nothing special in saying that; it’s entirely subjective. We call weather “bad” when it’s rainy or too windy and remark how “nice” it is when the...