As software development has grown over the years, patterns in the way developers write code began to emerge. Often there was a better way to approach many specific problems, and these approaches caught on. Many of them have been formalized into design patterns that can be...
(indent+1,"Codebase={0}", a.CodeBase);// Display the set of assemblies our assemblies reference.Display(indent,"Referenced assemblies:");foreach(AssemblyName anina.GetReferencedAssemblies() ) { Display(indent +1,"Name={0}, Version={1}, Culture={2}, PublicKey token={3}", an.Name, ...
(indent+1,"Codebase={0}", a.CodeBase);// Display the set of assemblies our assemblies reference.Display(indent,"Referenced assemblies:");foreach(AssemblyName anina.GetReferencedAssemblies() ) { Display(indent +1,"Name={0}, Version={1}, Culture={2}, PublicKey token={3}", an.Name, ...
( MethodAttributes.PrivateScope | MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName);// Add a field of type T, with the name Field.FieldBuilder myField = myType.DefineField("Field", typeParams[0], FieldAttributes.Public);// Add ...
( mthdName, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, returnType, mthdParams); ILGenerator ILout = myMthdBld.GetILGenerator();intnumParams = mthdParams.Length;for(bytex=0; x < numParams; x++) { ILout.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_S, x); }if(numParams >1) {for(inty=0; y<(num...
method.myFieldInfo.SetValue(myObject,"New value");// Display the string after applying SetValue to the field.Console.WriteLine("The field value of mystring is \"{0}\".", myFieldInfo.GetValue(myObject)); } }/* This code example produces the following output: The field value of my...
resides.myAssemblyName.CodeBase = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();// Set the culture information of the assembly to 'English-American'.myAssemblyName.CultureInfo =newCultureInfo("en-US");// Set the hash algorithm to 'SHA256'.myAssemblyName.HashAlgorithm = AssemblyHashAlgorithm.SHA256; myAssemb...
which is an important channel to communicate with Chinese netizens. I also watch movies that attract Chinese audiences. The film ‘My People, My Country’, a seven-part anthology to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, is one of the best I’ve eve...
#include <rttr/registration> using namespace rttr; struct MyStruct { MyStruct() {}; void func(double) {}; int data; }; RTTR_REGISTRATION { registration::class_<MyStruct>("MyStruct") .constructor<>() .property("data", &MyStruct::data) .method("func", &MyStruct::func); }...
mylib, Version=1.2.1900.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a14f3033def15840 Writing your own code to parse display names is not recommended. Instead, pass the display name to theAssemblyNameconstructor, which parses it and populates the appropriate fields of the newAssemblyName. ...