中国人起名经常运用反映意义(reflected meaning)。比如姓“吴”的人起名就比较谨慎,因为“吴”谐音“无”,名字取得不好会让 …|基于106个网页 2. 联想意义 由这层“内涵意义”进而又引申出其“联想意义”(reflected meaning)②:sheep —— good person goat —— bad person 成语 (th… ...
而'Reflected Meaning'则是语言在特定语境下所承载的深层含义或联想意义,它超越了字面意义,涉及到语言的文化、社会和心理等多个层面。尽管'Reflected Meaning'与直接意义在表达上存在差异,但它们并非截然分开。实际上,'Reflected Meaning'往往是在直接意义的基础上产生的,是对直接意义的进一...
Reflected Meaning指的是词语和短语背后的隐含意义和情感。它涉及到与语言相关的社会和文化因素,通常通过文化共同体的共识和共同认知来解释。在这篇文章中,我将会举出一些例子来说明Reflected Meaning的实际应用和影响。 首先,我们来看一些常见的词语,比如“家庭”、“爱情”和“工作”。这些词的背后,隐含着我们对于生活...
reflected meaning 反射重要性 英式音标:[rɪˈflektɪd] [ˈmiːnɪŋ]美式音标:[rɪˈflɛkt] [ˈminɪŋ]
Reflected Meaning Introduction Reflected meaning refers to the additional meaning or connotation that a word, phrase, or symbol carries beyond its literal or primary meaning. It delves into the deeper layers of meaning that are associated with a particular word or expression, often influenced by ...
就是用相反意义的词来组成句子,行成强调凸显的作用。比如:笨的灵巧~还有,to be or not to be, this is a question
The meaning of REFLECT is to block and redirect (light, sound, etc.). How to use reflect in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Reflect.
Meaning of Reflected from wikipedia - it is reflected back into the same direction. For diffuse surfaces, such as matte white paint, reflectance is uniform; radiation is reflected in all...- with the normal is equal to the angle which the reflected ray makes to the same normal. The reflect...