A ray-tracing technique is used here in order to compute the overall transmission, reflection and absorption of composite layers. Formulae for these optical properties and their components of transparent cover systems are derived in this paper. The obtained formulae are applicable to any number of...
Fresnel Equations for the Power of Reflectance and Transmittance I understand that the power of reflectance and the power of transmittance (regardless of it being S-polarized or P-polarized light), when added together, would equal to one. In other words, ##R+T=1##. However, how do I go...
This study shows that selected algorithms connecting leaf reflectance and transmittance data to corresponding bioindicators at the leaf level can be expressed at canopy level through canopy models yielding predictions of bioindicators in airborne imaging spectrometer with coefficients of determination as high ...
Simple formulae are derived for the factor of improvement and the required optical thickness of the films of low refractive index. Moreover, by applications of the concept of potential transmittance and the principle of equivalent layers, a relationship is established between the desired limiting ...
This study employs the ray tracing method to analyze and develop mathematical formulae for the internal reflectance of a free standing thick polymer film. The proposed formulae are then used to simulate the diffuse reflectance and diffuse transmittance. Analysis results indicate that internal ...
Exact formulas describing reflectance and transmittance R and T of the system absorbing film%substrate%back ambient are examined. Basing on the consideration that, unlike R and T, the quantity T%(l-R) does not oscillate with wavelength, the entity of terms entering the full equation are ...
It is shown that when the array of cylindrical objects is multilayered or embedded in a dielectric slab, the frequency response in the reflectance and transmittance is noticeably refined through a multiple scattering process of the space-harmonics.Yasumoto...
We present the formulae for the reflectance and transmittance for the system thin-film on substrate which reflect these experimental conditions. This allows to simplify the algorithm of calculation of the optical constants. The method is applied to the semiconducting thin film of 尾-FeSi_2 on ...
the sum of canopy reflectance and transmittance. However, to divide the scattered radiation into reflected and transmitted fluxes, additional models are needed. In this paper, we present a simple formula to estimate the fraction of radiation scattered upwards by a canopy. The new method is semi-...
This chapter discusses the techniques of measurement of reflectance and diffuse transmittance where it is associated with diffuse reflectance in a technique called "transflectance." "Reflectance spectroscopy" concerns the measurement of four distinct types of materials and their interaction with light. ...