Unrefined virgin coconut oilhas the same nutritional panel as refined coconut oil, even when you're comparing refined vs. unrefined coconut oil from the same brand (in this case, Wildly Organic). The unrefined coconut oil has 120 calories per 1-tablespoon serving, all coming from its 14 gram...
I would think it would do okay as long as it didn't have too strong of a flavor. Refined coconut oil would also work (I say refined because the refined variation has less of a "coconut" flavor vs. unrefined). I normally use ghee, so that's also an option if you tolerate it. I...
Unrefined vs Refined Sugar: What's the Difference?Technically, sugar refers to any sweet-tasting carbohydrate, made by plants, often rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other beneficial elements like fibre. This is far removed from the processed, bleached, and super-concentrated crack-like ...
Unrefined Sucanat and Rapadura How to Use Sorghum Syrup Maple Syrup Is Agave Healthy? Artificial Sweeteners Overview of Natural Sugars FAQs What is the difference between raw, white, and brown sugar? Raw sugar is minimally processed and retains some of the natural molasses content from sugarcane....