You can refinance your home even if you have bad credit, but it won't be easy. You will likely be offered a higher interest rate than someone with a better credit history. However, if you've managed to improve your credit score or accumulate a large amount of savings that can be used...
A decade ago, a group of FHA mortgage lenders banded together and established a new mortgage company in an effort to provide better refinance and home purchase loans for homeowners with good and bad credit scores. Our mission is to help lower the mortgage payments for homeowners so that people...
Refinancing your doublewide gives you the chance to lower your monthly payment, lower your interest rate, consolidate some debt or move your home out of a mobile home park and onto your own land. In order to refinance, you need to have equity in the doublewide and have good credit. Typical...
The bad:Not a lot of examples on deal analysis. I think it would be helpful to include more examples of how to analyze a brrr deal. Also not a lot of information on how to estimate ARV. Sometimes the books seem to have information that is not needed.Overall:Even though the book is ...
Like, I am not buying a ton of properties right now because I do not want to have a portfolio of a bazillion single family homes, right? It is not a bad thing but it is definitely not an efficient thing, right? Like once you have got it, now there is a little bit of...
I can qualify just by showing my cash balance, credit score and w2. I wouldn’t need to make up additional numbers. As always, you are completely missing the boat. people stopped buying at the top of the market. People got smarter. They just wait until the recession. Reply ...