Scottish parliament supports minority government?s tax and spending plans after intensive negotiations The SNP minority government has passed its budget and avoided triggering an early election after securing a coalition of support across the constitutional divide at HolyroodThe tax and spending ... ...
Ireland is hosting a major referendum on whether to amend the country's strict abortion laws. Many Irish women living overseas are travelling back to their home country to have their say.
I was walking through Torry one early evening, past where a small green space off Victoria Road has a small but pretty collection of flowers. A couple were there, possibly Eastern European. We said hello as I passed. They had a little girl. She was smiling from ear to ear, pointing at...
Some genius at the Election Study Center decided to schedule a conference (on a topic completely unrelated to the referendums) early Friday and Saturday mornings, so a late Friday night just wasn’t going to happen for me. I did watch the KMT and DPP rallies on YouTube. The DPP rally o...
2. Voting by area Another, aspect is to look at the geographical analysis. Using Chris Hanretty’s estimates of the EU referendum results byconstituency,I concludedthat the most pro-Remain areas were the centre of major cities and in the University Cities of Oxford, Cambridge and Bristol. This...
This option to purchase the building is spelled out in the lease agreement and in Superintendent Benson’s remarks to the special electors meeting, he mentioned specifically how the lease agreement had a buy option built in as early as the second year. If they Superintendent believed...