If you are referencing a book with no author, simply use the title of the book in italics where you would have used the author’s surname. In-text citation template: (Book name,Publication year, Page number) Examples: The moon orbits the Earth in an elliptical orbit in 27 days and...
University of Tasmania Harvard Referencing Book with no author In-Text: (Guidebook to Australian social security law 1983, ch. 3) References: Guidebook to Australian social security law 1983, CCH Australia, North Ryde, NSW. Chapter in an edited book In-Text: (ORegan 2002) References: ORegan...
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Wallis,C1992,'Asymmetricdependenceandmentalrepresentation',Psychology,vol.3,no.70,viewed18November2003,http://psycprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/archive/00000294/>.UniversityofTasmaniaHarvardReferencing BookwithoneauthorIn-Text:(O'Connor1957,p.33)References:O'Connor,DJ1957,Anintroductiontothephilosophyofeducation...
both an in-text citation and an entry in the reference list. The format for each varies somewhat depending on the type of outside source and the information available.Book with one author Book with no author Book with two authors Book with three or more authors Later edition of a book ...
Unknown author Structure: Book Title: Subtitle. Publisher; Year. Example: 1. Alluvial Archaeology in Europe. Routledge; 2021. Edited book, no author In an edited book with no author, move the editor name to the author position and follow it with the abbreviation ed. for one editor or ...
Citing from works with no obvious author If you need to cite a piece of work which does not have an obvious author, you should use what is called a ‘corporate’ author. For example, many online publications will not have individually named ...
Automate citations and referencing in ISO-690 (author-date, English) with Citationsy.Get started for free How to cite a website in a paper in ISO-690 (author-date, English) style? Have you found a credible website you want to cite in ISO-690 (author-date, English) to include in yo...
Web pages with no author or title Citation structure: URL of the page The year the site was published/last updated (in round brackets) (Accessed: date) In-text citation Salt dough cookies (http://www.wholesomerecipes.com/saltdough.html, 2018) are a wonderful way to…. ...
(Author(s) last name and last author last name pageNo.) (PageNo.) Example Others highlight a different factor (McLean and Elkind 122)…. Bethany and McLean (122) highlight…. Book with an editor Reference: Editor’slast nameand first name.Title.Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of...