A. Itis important to debate local history and cultures and engage inneighborhood improvement projects (Evans, 2001; Borrup, 2006) B. Thereis growing concern over the use of psychological testing inelementary schools (Albright & Glennon, 1982). C. Thepopularity of the textbook is “due to its...
When referencing a source that has two authors, the reference should have the names of both the authors. For in-text citations, include the surnames of both authors and the year published. For references, the surname and first-name initial of each author is listed with “and” between them...
MLA—Referencing Order of name: First name or initials Last name Order of name: Last name, First name Title of book is in italics Place of publication (city): Publisher, Year of Publication Mark of punctuation: comma and stop Mark of punctuation: stop Style Book with two authors IEEE [2...
More than two authors:- Benneret al(1996) concludethat ... If more than one citation is referred to within a sentence, list them all in the following form, by date and then alphabetically:- There are indications that passive smoking is potentially threatening to the health...(Francomeand ...
Use the abbreviations p. for a single page, and pp. for a page range, e.g. pp.11-12 Whole citation:The different details, or elements, of each citation are separated by full stops.The whole citation finishes with a full stop.Contents Books 1 One author 2 Two authors 3 ...
and Harvard-style referencing is no different. We’ve already explained the guidelines for sources with one author, but here are the rules for two or more authors. If you’re including the page numbers, you can simply add a comma after the year and write it there, inside the parentheses....
When referencing a source with three to five authors, include all surnames for the first in-text citation, then use the first author’s surname followed by et al. for subsequent citations When citing six or more authors – use the first author’s surname followed by et al. for all citati...
Ozeki, R. (2013)A tale for the time being. New York: Penguin Books. Book with two or three authors For books with two or three authors, the names of all the authors are given in both the in-text citation and the reference entry. ...