上面的代码会导致defineProps is not defined的错误,因为defineProps只能在<script setup>标签内使用。 检查拼写错误或导入冲突: 确保defineProps的拼写正确,没有多余的空格或错误的字符。 检查是否有其他库或插件冲突,导致defineProps未被正确识别。 查看Vue 3官方文档或搜索相关帮助: 如果以上步骤都无法解决...
ReferenceError: defineProps is not defined at setup (/vue3-test-practice/src/spike/Home.vue:10:15) at callWithErrorHandling (/vue3-test-practice/node_modules/.pnpm/@vue+runtime-core@3.2.26/node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.cjs.js:6650:22) at setupStatefulComponent (/vue...
I took the code example from README and applied to my React component with tcomb-react. This is the error I'm getting: ReferenceError: Props is not defined Here is my code: import { props } from 'tcomb-react' type Props = { resourceName:...
报错如下: 提取关键字: ReferenceError: primordials is not defined 经过网络搜索排查,说是gulp...
I have tried some workaround like adding try catch, add some delay / setTimeout before calling the code, also tried to call it from getInitialProps / useEffect. But still not able to make it works. Does anyone have a suggestion for this issue I'm facing? Thank you in advance....
You want to access window object but in this solution window is not define. Add your code to a usseefect and save data to state.hope solve your problem Usseefect (()=>{Setwindowlocation(window.location.origin)},[]) Share Follow answered Dec 6, 2022 at 20:36 mostafa faryabi 1741...
html页面js报错,信息如下: DJango Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined 原因 js语法有问题,未...
DefineInheritance DelayWorkflow 代理人 DelegateInternal DelegatePrivate DelegateProtected DelegatePublic DelegateSealed DelegateShortcut 委派 刪除 DeleteAttachment DeleteBreakpoint DeleteCell DeleteClause DeleteColumn DeleteColumns DeleteDatabase DeleteDimensionTranslation DeleteDocument DeleteEntity DeleteFilter DeleteFolder...
Describe the bug Hi, after updating storybook version from 7.4 to 7.6 I'm getting this error: ReferenceError: exports is not defined at ./src/compo1/compo1.stories.jsx (http://localhost:6006/compo1-compo1-stories.iframe.bundle.js:46:1) a...