当使用 AccessTokenType 类型为 Jwt Token 时候,就会使用 Jwt 规范来生成 Token,签名的算法是采用 RSA (SHA256 签名) ,在服务端 IdentityServer4 使用私钥对 Token 进行签名,当客户端去资源端获取资源的时候,API 端(资源服务器)收到第一个请求后去服务端获得公钥然后验签(调用/.well-known/openid-configuration/...
verString, either1.0or2.0Indicates the version of the access token. xms_ccJSON array of stringsIndicates whether the client application that acquired the token is capable of handling claims challenges. It's often used along with claimacrs. This claim is commonly used in Conditional Access and Con...
const UE4CodeGen_Private::FObjectPropertyParams Z_Construct_UClass_UzxjReferenceTokenTestObj_Statics::NewProp_actorPtrV = { "actorPtrV", nullptr, (EPropertyFlags)0x0010000000000005, UE4CodeGen_Private::EPropertyGenFlags::Object, RF_Public|RF_Transient|RF_MarkAsNative, 1, STRUCT_OFFSET(UzxjReferen...
sharedworkspaceaccesstokenId SharedWorkspaceId SystemUserId TokenId TTLInSeconds ImportSequenceNumber PropertyValue DescriptionSequence number of the import that created this record. DisplayNameImport Sequence Number FormatNone IsValidForFormFalse IsValidForReadTrue ...
Description: Instructs ModSecurity to change the data presented in the "Server:" response header token. Syntax: SecServerSignature "WEB SERVER SOFTWARE" Example Usage: SecServerSignature "Microsoft-IIS/6.0" Scope: Main Version: 2.0.0-2.9.x Supported on libModSecurity: TBI In order for ...
Select OData services to provide access.CSRF TokenIn order to prevent possible Cross-site request forgery attacks, SAP Cloud for Customer OData API requires all modifying HTTP requests (POST/PUT/PATCH) to specify a CSRF token, in addition to the Authorization header.Please...
The scopes you specify in your extension manifest are the scopes set on access tokens issued to your extension. For more information, see Auth and security.If no scopes are specified, extensions are only provided access to user profile and extension data....
EINIT token must be 512-Byte aligned. 12 Ref. # 329298-002 ENCLAVE ACCESS CONTROL AND DATA STRUCTURES Table 2-20. Layout of EINIT Token (EINITTOKEN) Field OFFSET (Bytes) Size (Bytes) MACed Description VALID 0 4 Y Bits 0: 1: Valid; 0: Debug. All other bits reserved. RESERVED 4 ...
*PsThreadType PETHREAD or PKTHREAD *SeTokenObjectType PACCESS_TOKEN *TmEnlistmentObjectType PKENLISTMENT *TmResourceManagerObjectType PKRESOURCEMANAGER *TmTransactionManagerObjectType PKTM *TmTransactionObjectType PKTRANSACTIONThe structures that the pointer types reference are opaque, and drivers cannot acce...
securitySchemes: oAuth2ClientCredentials: Type: oauth2 Flows: clientCredentials: tokenUrl: '{nrfApiRoot}/oauth2/token' scopes: nsmf-pdusession: Access to the nsmf-pdusession API schemas: # STRUCTURED DATA TYPES SmContextCreateData: Type: object Properties: supi: Ref...