一、Reference基本要素: 1. 作者(Author):按照“姓, 名”的顺序列出作者的姓名。 2. 文献题目(Title):将引用文献的题目以适当的方式标注出来,通常使用斜体或引号。 3. 出版年份(Year):精确指明文献的出版年份。 4. 期刊/书名(Journal/Book title):对于期刊文章,需要提供期刊的完整名称和卷期号;对于书籍,则提...
Page specified, author not mentioned in text:The results were consistent throughout the study (Fernández-Manzanal, Rodríguez-Barreiro, & Carrasquer, 2007). Six authors:The study found that … (Sania et al., 2011) No author:The data presented …. (“How sleep enhances memory retention”, 2...
没有出版发行年代 假如你引入的信息内容无法找到出版发行日期,你能在引用文献里和论文参考文献目录中应用‘n.d.’(它是no date的缩略方式): Time makes fools of us all(Smith,n.d.). 没有页数 当引入网页页面上的信息内容时通常没有页数,怎么办呢?在这类状况下,APA提议在引用文献中应用文章段落序号或子标...
首先解释一下什么叫Harvard system又叫Parenthetical referencing(括号引用),是一种在学术界广泛运用的引用形式,特点是括号,而他又分为两种类型:APA style(author-date)和MLA style(author-title or author-page)。这两种格式的最大的不同在于APA注重实践,MLA注重作者本人,我们学校所应用的是最广...
并并不一定的出处都是会确立提及写作者或小编的名字。在这类状况下,最好是的方法是把出示该出处的企业或组织架构视作organisational author,例如: Anonymity can affect the psyche over prolonged periods(American Psychological Association,2008). 在上面的事例里,大家把American Psychological Association视作写作者在原...
(1991). Estimated resident population by ag and sex in statistical local areas, New South Wales, Jun 1990 (No. 3209.1). Canberra, Australian Capital Territory:Author. 例16 不同版本,名字中含Jr. 第1 版不写 修订版中文写“修订版”,英文写Rev. ed. 版本字体为正体 Mitchell, T...
APA reference page formatting: Alphabetizing by surname All APA citations included in the reference page should be ordered alphabetically, using the first word of the reference entry. In most cases, this is the author’s surname (or the surname of the author listed first, when dealing withcita...
APA format maintains that each reference page entry—one entry per source—should ideally include four parts: author(s) date of publication title source type(not always applicable) How this information is organized depends on the type of source used, such as a book, website, or video. For ...
According to Author’s Last name (2021), “Love is a sweet but heartbreaking sentiment.”看到了...
If no author has been specified, APA style recommends using the title instead as you format your reference page. As you work on your APA reference page, such entries must be sorted alphabetically and come before those sources that provide the last names of the author(s). ...