Goman,CarolKinsey.1989.Creativethinkinginbusiness:Apracticalguide.London:KoganPage.?MHRA:ModernHumanitiesResearchAssociation.2002.MHRAstyleguide:AHand-bookforauthors,editors,andwritersoftheses.London:MHRA. 文后参考文献的格式要求: 1.使用作者的全名。第一作者先写姓再写名;从第二作者开始,先写名再写姓。(见...
Discuss and share new research more efficiently Use a shared project to share references and discuss articles with collaborators and colleagues. Sharing a project also makes writing and editing citations on a document much easier. “It's much faster and immeasurably easier than any other software ...
If there are multiple authors, place a comma between each of the author names and an ampersand (“&”) before the last author’s name. If there are more than eight authors, list the first six followed by an ellipses “…” followed by the last author. There should always be a period...
“It's much faster and immeasurably easier than any other software I've used, and allows you to search online archives, like PubMed, as well as your own library, in the same window.” Claire Sand, PhD Queen Mary University of LondonPlans Basic Online reference manager Unlimited references ...
4. Ellipsis usage (more than 7 authors) Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., . . . Griffin, W. A. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of ...
3 Multiple works: by same author AND same year If more than one reference by an author in the same year, suffixes (a, b, c, etc.) are added to the year. Allocation of the suffixes is determined by the order of the references in the reference list, where they are listed alphabeticall...
As a rule, the APA style format makes it possible to citesourceslike books in print, electronic books, scientific magazines, academic journals, conferences, multimedia sources, and more. A far more important research aspect is knowing how to handle the challenge of authors’ citations. Since mos...
APA 6th Citing & Referencing style ***(For more comprehensive information consult the Citing & Referencing library guide)*** http://guides.lib.monash.edu/citing-referencing/apa APA style is an author-date citation style. It was developed mainly for use in psychology, but has also been adopted...
(direct quote, summary, etc.). A note may be in the form of a footnote or endnote. A footnote is located at the bottom of the page on which the corresponding source is referenced; an endnote is located at the end of a chapter or document. When these notes are two or more lines ...
Chapter7Abstract GraduateAcademicEnglishWriting ContentsDefinitionofanAbstract123TypesofAbstractsStructureofAbstractsCharacteristicsofAbstracts45ReadingandWritingStepsofAbstracts6VerbTensesinWritingAbstracts1.DefinitionofanIntroductionAnabstractisaconcisesummaryofapaper,coveringthepurpose,methods,results,andconclusions.It...