Mental health in relation to the family * : With some reference to the national health service act, 1946doi:10.1016/S0033-3506(47)80158-1C.O. StallybrassCity of Liverpool, UKElsevier LtdPublic Health
1997.The Cambridge companion to Arthur Miller.Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress. HOLT, G., HARDY, S., and BOURAS, N., eds.Mental health in learning disabilities : a reader. 3rd ed.Brighton: Pavilion. Publication part of a series Include that information after the title. Example: GOULDEN, C...
1983;33194Google Scholar 67. Helzner ECFricke JCunningham BG An evaluation of ibuprofen 200mg, ibuprofen 400mg and naproxen 200mg and 400mg in postoperative oral surgery pain [abstract]. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1992;51122Google Scholar 68. Cooper SA The relative efficacy of ibuprofen in dental ...
Reference genomes, through their role as stan- dards, enable researchers to gain a greater appreciation of the range of bio- logically-meaningful variation present across a species, and so help seed critiques of their representativeness. Furthermore, through their very role as a scaffold on ...
1、A guide to Harvard referencing Quote, Unquote 36337 Quote Unquote Booklet-POB:Layout 1 21/5/09 09:44 Page A Skills for Learning, Leeds Metropolitan University, 2009. Except as permitted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication cannot be reproduced, stored or ...
A guide to Harvard referencing Quote, Unquote 36337 Quote Unquote Booklet-POB:Layout 1 21/5/09 09:44 Page A Skills for Learning, Leeds Metropolitan University, 2009. Except as permitted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication cannot be reproduced, stored or transmitted...
This capacity is crucial to one’s mental health and well-being. People who have self-determination have a sense of control over their decisions and lives. It also influences motivation; individuals are more driven to act if they believe their actions will impact the results. Self-determination...
problems. Chronic arsenic exposure can lead to mental retardation and developmental disabilities such as physical, cognitive, psychological, sensory and speech impairments. As health is defined by the World Health Organization as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing”, the social...
Five dimensions are receiving particular attention in the mental health community. First, stress reactions include changes in physiological function that can increase one's vulnerability to illness and exacerbate preexisting physical problems. Secondly, perception and thought are also affected, with the ...
Better treatments for HIV infection have resulted in a reduction in the number of deaths from AIDS and an increase in the number of persons living with HIV infection. The cause of AIDS was identified in 1983 by the French researcher Luc Montagnier as a type of virus known as a "retrovirus...