Email Template Entity Entity Analytics Config Entity Image Configuration Entity Index Entity Key Entity link chat configuration Entity Relationship EntityRecordFilter EntityRefreshHistory Environment Variable Definition Environment Variable Value Event Expander Breadcrumb Exchange Sync Id Mapping Expired Process Expor...
Check HTTP header Enforces existence and/or value of an HTTP header. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Get authorization context Gets the authorization context of a specified connection to a credential provider configured in the API Management instance. Yes Yes Yes No No Restrict caller IPs Filters (allows/...
Template for creating new Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, Word 2010, and Office Word 2007 files that contain macros. Users who want to include UI customizations or macros in the template should use this file format. .dotx ...
.dotm Word Macro-Enabled Template Template for creating new Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, Word 2010, and Office Word 2007 files that contain macros. Users who want to include UI customizations or macros in the template should use this file format. .dotx Word Template Template...
git checkout v3.25.3 Please note that while all Protobuf versions newer than 3.0 should work for P4C itself, you may run into trouble with Abseil, some extensions and other p4lang projects unless you install version 3.25.3. P4C also depends on Google Abseil library. This library is also...
Create a free account Access your library, everywhere Add papers directly from your browser with a few clicks or import any documents from your desktop. Access your library from anywhere. Windows, Mac, Linux and all browsers. Learn about the library > ...
If the unresolved xref is from a template, modify the Path Type for the xref inside the original template to be Absolute. Any subsequent new drawings created from the template will then resolve the xref. Move or copy the Xref files into the same directory as the DWG which is ca...
5.24 ECS Health Check API for obtaining the health status of ECSs 5.25 ECS Locking or Unlocking APIs for unlocking or locking ECSs 5.26 OS Reinstallation or Change APIs including those for reinstalling and changing OSs of ECSs 5.27 ECS Snapshot APIs including those for querying and ...
Most notably, to display an object in the Django admin site and as the value inserted into a template when it displays an object. Thus, you should always return a nice, human-readable representation of the model from the __str__() method. For example: from django.db import models class...
Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses macros in the CDATA section for the attributes that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses in the open_with_url_tmpl template. Each attribute includes the following format: Copy :[:(attribute):] A series of attributes in the command uses the following format: ...