REMINDER: when you find you have to add a feature to a program, and the program’s code is not structured in a convenient way to add the feature, first refactor the program to make it easy to add the feature, then add the feature. REMINDER: Before you start refactoring, check that yo...
Is that new method name really clearer, or did the old one have a name with a very specific meaning in your application domain? Did you really need to mechanically reformat that source file to your personal style, when the existing style met project guidelines? Again pair programming can help...
In this article, we will not only learn the code refactoring meaning and talk about the importance of code refactoring, but also learn the purpose of refactoring the code. Furthermore, we will show you the main benefits your company can get by code refactoring. Let’s dive deep in...
In this case you're far better off to create a class to encapsulate the parameters because you give meaning to the different parameters in a way that the compiler can check as well as visually making the code easier to read. It also makes it easier to read and refactor later...
Introduction Everybody knows the meaning of Refactoring; the base of Agile Programming, and the best way to continuously increase the code quality. But
When we find functions with poorly organized parameters, we must reorder them in a way that allows for better readability and meaning for programmers. Examples: The following code illustrates this refactoring. Before the refactoring, we have a function area/3, responsible for calculating the area ...
In practice, this was hard. I kept forgetting what’s the meaning ofLove, I had to constantly look up the possible results. I think this led me to overgeneralising the code sometimes. The names I used for method names, for object names - they were not really names that would appear in...
main is the name of the function. 4 is the line the function starts on. B is the rating from A to F. A is the best grade, meaning the least complexity. The number in parentheses, 6, is the cyclomatic complexity of the code. Halstead...
We have increased the readability of our code (the meaning of 'PI' is much clearer than the value 3.14). If we need to change the value of this symbolic constant (perhaps to account for greater precession of PI), we need only modify the constant's declaration (rather than each occurrence...
the AI actually broke the unit texts, an indication that instead of refactoring code, it was changing the external behavior of the code in subtle but critical ways (“really odd things like moving a ‘this’ reference to an extracted function, which would alter its meaning, [or removing] en...