Communication interface:Ethernet,RS232 Dimensions:483 mm x 306 mm x 210 mm Weight:25 kg Product Specifications High precision:Adopts high-precision measuring elements and advanced digital signal processing technology to ensure the accuracy and reliability of measurement data. Multifunctional:Provides compreh...
Product dimensions and weights • Frame: 6.97” (177 mm) W x 6.97” (177 mm) H • Case: 6.57” (165 mm) W x 6.30” (160 mm) H x 6.10” (155 mm)• Weight: Relay - 7.72 lbs. (3.5 kg); Draw-out unit - 3.97 lbs. (1.8 kg) Tools • PCM600 V2.0 SP1 for setting,...
ABB REF615 ANSI 电源保护设备说明书 Feeder Protection REF615 ANSI
Operating temperature:-20℃~+55℃ Dimensions:1450 mm x 600 mm x 800 mm Weight:1500 kg Product Specifications Improved efficiency:Adopts advanced excitation control technology to improve generator efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Enhanced stability:Provides fast-response excitation current to quickl...
。Dimensionsareprovidedbothininchesandmm.Ifitisnotspecificallymentioned thenthedimensionisinmm. 1.4.3Functions,codesandsymbols 72pe大REF6TORHecipns,co0Bs32103J117120B Function[IEC61850|ANSUVC37.2|IEC60617 Protection Three-phasenon-directionalovercurrentprotection,low“|PHLPTOC151P-13l(1T) stage,instance...
• Dimensions are provided both in inches and mm. If it is not specifically mentioned, the dimension is in mm. 1.4.3 Functions, codes and symbols All available functions are listed in the table. All of them may not be applicable to a specific configuration. Table 1: Functions included ...
ABB REF615 电源保护与控制系统说明书 Feeder Protection REF615 Protection and Control
Dimensions 177 mm (4U) height, 177 mm (4U) width, 140 mm depth, weight 3.5 kg Tools PCM600 ver. 2.0 SP1 for setting, signal configuration and disturbance record handling Web browser based user interface (IE 7.0 or later) COM600 Station Automation series products Ver. 3.2 Printed in Fin...
RelativeViewportDimensions 指定相对视口尺寸 Float2 帧 MayaReceivesShadowOn 表示对象是否接收阴影 布尔 项目 EnableXRayComp 表示是否已启用 X 射线组件模式 布尔 帧 MayaViewportModes 视口模式 0 = 不包含边界框 1 = 包含边界框 整数 帧 ...
Dimensions Description Width Height Depth Weight Table 8. Power supply Description V nominal (Vn) Vn variation Start-up threshold Burden of auxiliary voltage supply under quiescent (Pq)/operating condition Ripple in the DC auxiliary voltage Maximum interruption time in the auxiliary DC voltage without...