Port_2—x-axis or real part of the function argument foratan2 scalar | vector | matrix Output expand all Port_1—Specified trigonometric function of input scalar | vector | matrix sin—Sine of input signal scalar | vector | matrix
►typeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt >, SpatialTensor< Cmpt > > ►typeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt >, SpatialVector< Cmpt > > ►typeOfInnerProduct< Type, RectangularMatrix< Type >, RectangularMatrix< Type > > ►typeOfInnerProduct< Type, RectangularMatrix< Type...
All three of TradeStation’s trading platforms are accessible under this plan, though traders may need to pay extra for certain market data subscriptions, depending on their needs.TradeStation Salutes: Active military, veterans, and first responders can benefit from the TradeSt...
Lucient is a trademark of Lucient Data SA and the Lucient group of companies. All other marks are property of their respective owners. WARNING AND DISCLAIMER Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as pos- sible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. ...
►typeOfInnerProduct< Type, SquareMatrix< Type >, SquareMatrix< Type > > ►typeOfMag typeOfOuterProduct ►typeOfOuterProduct< Cmpt, SpatialVector< Cmpt >, SpatialVector< Cmpt > > typeOfRank ►typeOfRank< Cmpt, 0 > ►typeOfRank< Cmpt, 1 > ►typeOfRank< Cmpt, 2 > ►type...
Allows relocation of data from other test case management tools. Allows test designing in XML, CSV and Excel. Offers a requirements traceability matrix, dashboards, test case and test plan managers. Closing Thoughts: Provides a user-friendly UI so users can create new suites in bulk using ...
England has been home to some of the world's most distinguished mathematicians who have made remarkable contributions to the field of mathematics. Throughout ...
documents array of object documents id documents.id string id title documents.title string title document_status documents.document_status string document_status id documents.upload_file.id string id uri documents.upload_file.uri string uri file_name documents.upload_file.file_name string ...
() system.actorOf(Props(new ConsumerSelfManaged(consumerConf, actorConf))) } } class ConsumerSelfManaged( kafkaConfig: KafkaConsumer.Conf[String, String], actorConfig: KafkaConsumerActor.Conf) extends Actor with ActorLogging { val recordsExt: Extractor[Any, ConsumerRecords[String, String]] = ...
The principal features within V-Track are the behavioural event qualifier (BEQ) and the receiver-distance matrix (RDM) calculator. The BEQ identifies and catalogues horizontal movements from receiver detection data, or vertical movements from transmitter sensor data (depth or tempe...