● 连接导线 Arduino连接干簧管的电路图 使用Arduino连接干簧管(Reed Switch)的工作过程 Arduino Uno开发板是一款基于ATmega328p微控制器的开源电路板。它有14个数字引脚(其中6个引脚可用作PWM输出)、6个模拟输入以及板载稳压器等。Arduino Uno具有32KB闪存、2KB SRAM和1KB EEPROM。它的工作频率为16MHz。 Arduino Uno...
Serial.println("Switch opened"); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);// Turn the LED off} } 上传草图后,抓住磁铁,把它靠近开关。当磁铁到达干簧管1厘米的距离时,它应该触发。 代码说明 该代码比较通俗易懂。首先定义了两个常量,它们声明了干簧管和内置LED连接到的Arduino引脚。 登录后复制constintREED_PIN =2;co...
Normally Open Configuration:With a normally open configuration, these reed switches are easy to integrate into various electronic circuits. DIY Electronic NO Switch:These 5PCS reed switches are perfect for DIY enthusiasts, offering a simple NO switch solution for Arduino projects.Customer...
New answers tagged reed-switch 1 vote Debouncing circuit with reed switch Another issue you may be facing is all that additional front-end filtering is not good for driving the opto-isolator for proper logic levels - your MCU may be having a hard time determining the slow-... MOSFET ...
To read the Reed-switch and light the LED accordingly: const int ReedPin = 4; const int ledPin = 2; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(ReedPin, INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop() { digitalWrite(ledPin, digitalRead(ReedPin)); } ...
Connect Grove - Dry-Reed Relay to port D2 of Grove - Base Shield and plug it into Arduino/Seeeduino. Upload the below code. int Relay = 2; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pin as an output. ...
This project endeavors an integrated flood risk management system employing a magnetic reed switch interfaced with microprocessor Arduino UNO using microcontroller 328p. The build-out in the architecture of the buildings into apartments and ... S Anand,S Chrisilla,S Angelnatchatra - 《International ...
- Reed Switch - 220Ω Resistor - 100Ω Resistor - LED - Multi-meter - Battery - Breadboard - Arduino Nano - Magnets and - Few Connecting Cables Demo --- Using a multi-meter I am going to show you how a Reed Switch works. When I bring a magnet close to the switch the multi-meter...
This is a small device called a reed switch. When the device is exposed to a magnetic field, the two ferrous materials inside the switch pull together and the switch closes. When the magnetic field is removed, the reeds separate and the switch opens. Thi
How to Build Your Own Anemometer Using Reed Switches, Hall Effect Sensor and Some Scraps on Nodemcu. - Part 1 - Hardware: Introduction Since I started with the studies of Arduino and the Maker Culture I have liked to build useful devices using junk and