University of Portland Private 4 Year O Eugene, OR credit: functoruser / license University of Oregon Public 4 Year S Claremont, CA credit: source / license Scripps College Private 4 Year S Swarthmore, PA credit: nate steiner / license Swarthmore College Private 4 Year S Los Ange...
PORTLAND, OR 97202Show Your Interest About Reed... Common App Accepted Liberal Arts College No Application Fee Private SAT/ACT Optional Oregon Portland Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Feb18 Faculty Spotlight with Kelly Chacón, Kevin Holmes, and Kristin Scheible February 18, 6:00 pm Virtual View ...
学校所在地:3203 SE Woodstock Blvd, Portland, OR, 97202-8199 点击播放通过数据,用一分钟时间带您深入了解里德学院By 美国续航教育 forwardpathway.com里德学院(Reed College)位于美国俄勒冈州波特兰市,是一所在学术氛围浓厚的小型私立文理学院。自1908年成立以来,里德学院以其严格的学术标准、重视批判性思维和独立研究...
Reed College 3203 S.E. Woodstock Boulevard, Portland, OR 97202 Compare Nearby Schools Warner Pacific University Add To Compare Portland State University Add To Compare Lewis & Clark College Add To Compare Clark College Add To Compare University of Portland Add To Compare Oregon Health and Science ...
Portland, 俄勒冈 97202-8199 United States 电话:(503) 777-7511 电话:(800) 547-4750 传真:(503) 777-7553 邮箱 联系人:Keith Todd Dean of Admission 学校类型 Private Liberal Arts College Four-year Coed Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities Regionally Accredited College ...
里德学院(Reed College)成立于1908年,位于俄勒冈州大型城市波特兰(Portland)郊区,是一所四年制小型私立文理学院,开设有学士和硕士两种学位课程。该校是男女合校,提供校园住宿。里德学院的毕业生多有继续读研、读博的习惯。其最出名的学生便是苹果的联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯。里德学院人文教育出众,所有大一学生都必须参加...
Reed College Portland, OR • 4-year Private • Acceptance Rate 31% Reed is a private university in Portland, Oregon. Reed was founded in 1911 and enrolls 1,594 students. Quick Facts Total Enrollment 1,594 Cam…
The comprehensive energy solutions provided by Ameresco included various mechanical, control, lighting and plumbing system retrofits and replacements, throughout the urban campus in southeast Portland, OR. These upgrades greatly improved comfort and visibility on campus while providing substantial energy sav...
基本 信息 建校年份 1908 学校官网 学校地址 俄勒冈州,Portland 电话 - 里德学院(波特兰) 概况 里德学院(波特兰)创办于1908年,坐落于俄勒冈州,Portland,地理位置优越,环境优美。该校开设本科层次的学位教育,录取率达到0.4。在校学生人数1471人,师生比为0.1。作为被中国教育部认可的...
里德学院 Reed College was constructed in 1908 in the city of Portland, Oregon, USA. The university was founded with money donated by Simon and Amanda Reed. Mr Reed was a successful trader and when he died left instructions in his will to spend some of his estate on something which would ...