Founders Grove (45 mins) – Redwood National Forest Drive-Thru Tree Park (30 mins) – Napa Valley (55 mins) – San Francisco Show more Location View in a map Activity location Redwood National Park ...
if you're coming from San Francisco, but it's much less crowded than Muir Woods so you can better take in the idyllic landscape. Plus, you can spend the night in the middle of the redwood grove in one of their tent cabins for an unforgettable experience in the forest among the trees....
This material culture, in the form of brochures, trails and trail markers, signs, interpretive displays, historic buildings and plaques, memorial grove markers, maps, and videos combine with narrative and less immediately tangible aspects of culture like memory to influence reactions to the redwoods ...
Despite being a Saturday the trail was not very crowded - while there were some people in the redwood grove loop, once you got beyond that we saw very few people on the trail. Overall it was pretty relaxing and peaceful. At the observation deck they have some informative signs explaining ...
We've posted more pix of the stunning redwood home that is situated in a grove of redwood trees on our blog at— 11 years 1 month ago Merry Christmas to everyone! We hope Santa brought you just what you wanted. Enjoy the day. — 11 years 1 month ago ...
Bolling Memorial Grove, in Humboldt Redwoods State Park. Today the Humboldt Redwoods are part of the diverse coast redwood ecosystem that includes Rockefeller Forest. Rockefeller Forest is the largest remaining old-growth forest in the world.With a ton of camp sites and over 100 miles of hiking,...
This park has several hiking trails, and a day use area adjacent to the campground, next to the Smith River. Popular attractions include the Simpson Reed Discovery Trail and Stout Grove. Stout Grove near Howland Hill Road contains 'Stout Tree', the largest in the stand. ...
This park has several hiking trails, and a day use area adjacent to the campground, next to the Smith River. Popular attractions include the Simpson Reed Discovery Trail and Stout Grove. Stout Grove near Howland Hill Road contains 'Stout Tree', the largest in the stand. ...
Giant sequoia fire history in Mariposa Grove, Yosemite National Park. Pages 249–255 in: J. Edelbrock and S. Carpenter, coordinators. Proceedings of the Yosemite Centennial Symposium—natural areas and Yosemite: prospects for the future. Yosemite Association, 13–20 October 1990, El Portal, ...