If a country could place sanctions on the US, American bombers, rockets would be launched within 2 hours. Denis Cooper February 28, 2022 https://www.cer.eu/insights/european-peace-facility-really-about-peace “IS THE EUROPEAN PEACE FACILITY REALLY ABOUT PEACE?” https://eur-lex.europa.eu...
If only those hours could be used for useful purposes…London Nick February 21, 2021 At the last election we were clearly given to understand that Boris would decriminalise non-payment of the TV Licence Fee. Once again, we were lied to. Nevertheless, I believe that the risk of being ...
2. Dr Livingstone, from a poor but devout background worked long hours in a factory, then went to night school to train in basic medicine, before going to Africa as a medical missionary and explorer. 3. Susanna Wesley bore 19 children, of whom 10 survived. She home-schooled all of them...
Plus they made two serious diagnosis error in that 25 hours that could easily have killed me. Also it suggests NHS UK spend about £200,000 per person employed employed by them. What are they all doing? In my 60 years I have had from the NHS little more than my birth, a few ...
The monthly Construction industry returns which have to be made for each sub contractor, and having to continually check if they were registered as bona fide by the Inland Revenue, and the stopping of tax if they were not, complicated things, and led to hours of paperwork. This new system ...
Reminds me of his conceding the Brexit Referendum ‘although running close’. That’s what he was hoping for so he could continue beating the drum he had learned to play. Winning Brexit was not what he expected. But I expected it – I had canvassed 5 hours every single day from the of...
You can even generate plastics, diesel and jet fuel feedstocks from CO2 wit the right catalysts, these fuels could then be used for backup/dark hours generators. We need to do things smarter. L Jones October 13, 2019 As you say (almost) we have to do things more smartly. And surely ...
Sometime in the near future it is likely children will be able to have an implant capsule inserted that will allow education data to be downloaded from central education computers directly to the brain over a few hours.. this should go a long way to avoid years and years spent in school....
The next one leaves Dublin this coming Friday at 12 noon (with a minimum check-in beforehand of one hour) and arrives in Rotterdam after a refreshing 46 (forty-six) hours of bracing sea air, at 11am on Sunday, two days later. After rolling off in the long lorry queue, the eager Iri...
This has been replicated in other public sector organisations who get paid whether they work or not, with ‘some’ staff members allowed to work just a few hours per day from home or not at all whilst some others have slogged full time for no extra. ChrisS August 6, 2020 I realise ...