We would not benefit from joining the customs union. It would make us impose tariffs against the rest of the world, where our trade is growing faster. It would be another boost to the huge import volumes we already buy and another boost to their huge trade surplus with us. Going for gro...
“(11) A European Peace Facility of the Union (the ‘Facility’) should therefore be established to finance the common costs of military operations and missions under the CSDP, as well as the operating expenditure, in cases where the Council has decided to charge such operating expenditure to ...
To break the extreme union hold on teaching I think it is time that the UK Govt sided with teachers, so that teachers did not feel the need to join the unions for protection, and moreover the profession appealed to a politically wider range of graduates. The culture of fear under which ...
“That is what the UK government should have announced in the autumn of 2017 when it had become clear that the new Irish government was determined to keep the UK, or at the very least Northern Ireland, under the rules of both the EU Customs Union and the EU Single Market in perpe...
He had a £5oo bill coming and the only thing he could think of was putting it on his credit card – and “hoping”. Exactly his words. No help – nothing. At the same time, all over the country, thousands of migrants / invading replacements are living in hotels, no bills, no ...
Union Reps, Communists, just can’t watch anymore as with C4 News I used to religiously watch at 7pm not watched for ages now. Don’t do facebook, twitter is now a left wing takeover full of their own views and wanting to cancel anyone that doesn’t agree with them. They are ...
Let us know how long the wait is in the non-European Union passport holders queue on the way back, eh? Will in Hampshire September 12, 2021 OT: I am trying to figure out why so my many people in the UK are in an excitable state about the victory yesterday by Ms Raducanu in the...
A far narrower margin wanted to Leave the European Union than wanted and – still do want – e.g. the re-nationalisation of our utilities, and many other things, and until the right wing media hysteria about it, it wasn’t even an issue either. So why were the Conservatives willing ...
So, Spain is a unified unitary State, there is no support for any regional independence movement, which happens to coincide with the BBC pro European Union stance. Likewise, in Scotland, this time Pro independence and anti BREXIT – oddly enough this time too, shilling for the European Union...
At least its quite satisfying knowing that the Unite Union and the Labour Party have the Tata Steel workers backs …they’ll give up the net-zero nonsense and fight for the workers jobs and workers rights …expect full cross-sector industrial strikes any day now glen cullen January 20, 2...